• Resolved fembatty


    I am using a theme which is calling the full size images and then just limiting their size, which means for large images its taking forever to load. This is in the theme file

    					if(have_posts()) {
    							 while (have_posts()) {
    								$t = get_the_title();
    								$title_limit=substr($t, 0, 25);
    								$title='<a href="'.$permalink.'" title="'.get_the_title().'">'.$title_limit.'</a>';
    								$readmore='<span class="more-link" href="'.get_permalink().'"> […]</span>';
    								if($post->post_content != "" && $post->post_excerpt != ""){
    									$excerpt= $post->post_excerpt;
    									$description= substr($excerpt, 0, 30);
    								else if($post->post_content != "" && $post->post_excerpt == ""){
    									$excerpt= $post->post_content;
    									$description= substr($excerpt, 0, 30);
    									$excerpt= get_the_excerpt();
    									$description= substr($excerpt, 0, 30);
    								//$excerpt= string_limit_words($description,50);
    								//insert the description in the lightbox if descriptions are disabled
    								$left= $imgWidth/2;
    								$thumbnail= wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ) );
    								//get the image title
    								$data = explode('/', $thumbnail);
    								$image_title=explode(".jpg", $data[8]);
    								if ( get_post_meta($post->ID, 'lightbox', true)){
    										$openLink='<span class="portfolio_image"> ';
    										$span_icon='<div id="icon" style="display:none;"><h4><a href="'.$permalink.'"><h4>'.$t.'</a></h4></div>';
    								$openLink='<span class="portfolio_image">';
    								$span_icon='<div id="icon" style="display:none;"><h4><a href="'.$permalink.'">'.$t.'</a></h4></div>';
    								$terms=wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'portfolio_category');
    									foreach($terms as $term){
    								$term_string=substr($term_string, 0, strlen($term_string)-1);
    								$samp=str_replace(" ","-",$term_string);
    								$string = str_replace(","," ",$samp);
    								$finale= $string." ".$page;	
    								//generate the final item HTML
    					$html.= '<div class="element element'.$column.' '.$finale.'" data-filter="'.$finale.'">'.$openLink.''.$span_icon.'<img src="'.$thumbnail.'" width="'.$imgWidth.'" height="auto" title="'.get_the_title().'"/>'.$closeLink.'</div>';
    			echo $html;;

    [Please use the code buttons when posting code here – as is your code may have been damaged]

    I have set an imagesize called “mythumb” up of the size I want in the image file – but every change I have tried to make to the above has failed. Can someone help?

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