[Theme: Twenty Ten] How to remove the Leave a Reply from pages?
How do I remove the Leave a Reply comment form that appears on all pages?
Don’t edit the Twenty Ten theme. Instead create a child theme for your changes. Once your child theme is active, we should be able to help with the customisation.
I’ve already made a few modifications to my Twenty Ten theme. What’s the best way to save those into a child theme and then replace the base Twenty Ten theme with a new original one?
Save a copy of your customised Twenty Ten theme on your local computer then upload a fresh copy via ftp. Finally start porting over your changes to your new child theme.
Thanks. I’m getting the hang of child themes by reading from the link you posted previously. Actually, I saved the original of all modified theme files with a “_orig” filename suffix so it will be easy to set my base Twenty Ten theme back to original condition.
Hi, I did as you suggested creating a child theme and now need direction in how to remove this. I know the original poster had already worked it out but this was not explained. I am not an expert just a kindly volunteer for our church website so I appreciate your help and guidance. Thanks so much in advance.
What is it you want to remove? The child theme and revert back to the original theme?
Thank you for being helpful. I just want to get rid of the “Leave a Comment”. So I made a child theme to modify. This is the modification so far: I followed instructions from another post editing the style.css under the comment section but it did not disappear 100%. It did change but not disappear. This is what I added in the child theme’s style.css
: /* =Comments
————————————————————– */#comments .navigation {
padding: 0 0 18px 0;
h3#reply-title {
color: #fff;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 20px;
margin-bottom: 0;
h3#comments-title {
padding: 24px 0;
.comments-link {
display: none;Perhaps if you go to my site http:\\stjohnsholbrookma.org\wordpress scroll to the bottom, you’ll see what I mean. Is there another theme where this is a switch or do all WP themes have this? I did ensure the “Comments” on the page view is off.
I have a similar question as Maggiecat. I’d like to remove the ‘Leave a reply’ form from my static pages. However I want to keep the possibility that people post comments on my blog posts, so I want to keep the form at my blog page.
So my questions are?
– Is it possible to remove the ‘Leave a reply’ form from the static pages only? And if so, how?
– I don’t know anything about css and this is the first time I have a hosted site (and I am still figuring out how the cpanel of my site works..) So if someone could explicitly explain to me how to create the child theme file and how and where to upload it after that and how to activate it, I would be very grateful.@ maggiecat568
I looked at your site and it looked pretty impressive to me. I saw that the ‘Leave a reply form’ has disappeared though, but now you can’t post comments on the blogpage when you are not logged in. As I wrote above, for my own site I hope there is a way to keep the form only on the blogpage.I also noticed you were able to remove the sidebar from your static one column pages and keep it only on the home- and blog page. This is another thing I’d like to do as well (both the one column and removing the sidebar there) but couldn’t find out how. Would you be so kind to explain how you did this? Thanks in advance.
It was a long sad blur of a Saturday for me but I will do my best to reconstruct my process.1. Make a copy of the Twenty Ten Theme aka “a child theme” (instructions for that are on the site) Reason for this is if WP or Twenty Ten are updated – all your changes go “bye bye”.
Working in the new “child theme” from here forward:Go to Appearance > Editor
Open the following two files and remove the following comment:
<?php comments_template( ”, true ); ?>
Files: loop.php & page.phpThis will shut off comments in the theme coding…using the regular WP dashboard Edit Page option – you can turn it back on with the “Screen Option” at the top right of the screen.
As far as shutting the side bar off – that was simply changing the default template to “Full Page” no sidebar.
All that said and done – go to https://wpweaver.info/ – there is a great theme administrator /editor which might be the better way to go. I am going to buy the “plus version” at https://weaverplus.info/ for $20 could help novices like me. I did this but it took me a long draining day! It is all setup in a nice interface for those that are not css experts. (no I have no connection to this person but the free version was extremely helpful…..try it and see.Hope you find this helpful.
Hi Maggiecat,
Sorry for this belated reply, I have been ill and I am just recovered. Thanks about the wpweaver.info This is indeed a great help and enabled me to solve the problem without making a child theme. I might buy the weaverplus version in the near future as well if I indeed stick to this theme.
Thanks again for your time and efforts.
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