• SO I just began with a new blog using wordpress and fell in love with the twenty sixteen theme but for only one thing:
    My homepage now shows full posts and has no visible comment/reply-options, as a reader you have to click on a post title before you can comment, but I can imagine that’s quite a hassle for most readers (scrolling up again, clicking, etc).

    Is it possible to add a comment option on the home page or even better: make the posts excerpts so you have to click a continu reading button (like for example in the Corporately theme). I noticed that in settings > reading I can change ‘For each article in a feed’ the full blog to summary, but that doesn’t do anything.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hellooo, Goedemorgee ??

    It is 3 months ago…but I was looking for a same solution for my twenty sixteen theme. I don’t know if this works for you current theme, but I had succes with the code on this website.

    Maybe it helps you or anyone who is looking for this solution :)!

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