First of all, you should not be modifying the theme’s files directly. If the theme ever gets updated (because of security patches, feature enhancements, or bug fixes), your changes will be lost. The suggested method of making changes to a theme are either through plugins, or by creating a child theme. If you are just making changes to the CSS, then I like the Custom CSS Manager plugin. With an older theme like Twenty Eleven, you might not think that it wouldn’t get updated anymore, but the latest update was this past April, so there’s still a good chance that the theme will be updated again.
You might want to consider using a Flexbox model instead of floats, it will make moving the sidebar around much easier. You can read more about the Flexbox model here and here. Try adding this CSS, either in a child theme style.css file, or through a plugin:
/* This rule moves the list bullets inside the sidebar */
div#secondary ul {
list-style-position: inside;
/* Set up flex box */
#main {
display: -webkit-box; /* OLD: Safari, iOS, Android browser, older WebKit browsers. */
display: -moz-box; /* OLD: Firefox (buggy) */
display: -ms-flexbox; /* MID: IE 10 */
display: -webkit-flex; /* NEW, Chrome 21–28, Safari 6.1+ */
display: flex; /* NEW: IE11, Chrome 29+, Opera 12.1+, Firefox 22+ */
.left-sidebar #secondary {
box-sizing: border-box; /* Makes it easier to adjust width */
width: 287px; /* width from old site */
padding: 20px;
margin: 0;
/* Change the order of the elements in the #main container so the sidebar comes first */
.left-sidebar #secondary {
-prefix-box-ordinal-group: 1; /* old spec; must be positive */
-ms-flex-order: 1; /* IE 10 syntax */
order: 1; /* new syntax */
.left-sidebar #primary {
-prefix-box-ordinal-group: 2; /* old spec; must be positive */
-ms-flex-order: 2; /* IE 10 syntax */
order: 2; /* new syntax */
/* Set the width to fit the rest of the container */
-prefix-box-flex: 1; /* old spec webkit, moz */
flex: 1;
/* Set a media query that changes the flow of the elements in a column
instead of a row, and change the order of the sidebar so it
will come after the main content on smaller screen widths */
@media (max-width: 800px) {
/* Make elements flow in a column */
#main {
flex-direction: column;
/* Change order of sidebar so it follows main content */
.left-sidebar #secondary {
-prefix-box-ordinal-group: 3; /* old spec; must be positive */
-ms-flex-order: 3; /* IE 10 syntax */
order: 3; /* new syntax */
.left-sidebar #primary,
#main #secondary {
The above rules sets the sidebar to the width from the original site, so it lines up better with the gold bar in the header. The flexbox model will expand the sidebar to fill in the height, and set the width of the main content to fill in the rest of the container space. Hopefully there are enough comments in the CSS that you can understand what is happening.