• Hello all, and happy new year.

    My site https://www.jfpoulin.com keep on switching back to default theme for no reason can somebody tell me what to do? Is is a server issue? Folder permissions? Some thing I am doing wrong? The theme I am trying to make stick is SunsetIdea 1.0 by Nd83. might it be the new theme itself doing that??

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  • jfpoulin,

    Hello, I don’t think that the new theme would automatically switch back to default, but there is something that I know of that may be causing this – bear with me as this takes some explaining…

    In the following senario, I have seen WordPress automatically switch back to default theme.

    • Your current theme is something other than default and is placed in a directory named something other that “default/”.
    • You edit your local copy of style.css and upload it via FTP.
    • Someone tries to load your site during the uploading of style.css
    • WordPress tries to find the current theme’s style.css but because it is being uploaded it is not currently available.
    • Instead of completely breaking, WordPress will set the blog back to the default theme so that the end user receives content.

    This may or may not be the issue which causes your blog to switch back – But it has on mine many times. Hope this helps:)

    Thread Starter jfpoulin


    By your first point I am lead to believe that my new theme should be put in a folder named dafault?

    Has your second point yes I uploaded my style.css I should not do that?

    Thread Starter jfpoulin


    The only thing I could see was that I uploaded via FTP my files.. I corrected the header. So I asked my hoster to enable file modification and I have put back all code in original state but to no avail.

    I’m having the same problem. I’m using a theme called “Mandigo”. Not sure why it’s happening. I really need this to be fixed. Can someone please help?

    Could it be a server problem? I’m being hosted by DreamHost.

    jfpoulin: When does your theme go down?

    Same problem here–I deleted the other themes and now my site will simply not display when WP arbitrarily changes themes.

    And I don’t even use style.css. I use my own custom css and don’t invoke style.css at all. I uploaded it once and that’s it.

    Glad to see I’m not alone here.


    Apparently it there may be an issue with Alex King’s WP-Mobile plugin. If you’re using it, deactivate it and see if the theme switching stops. I’m trying that now–so far, so good.

    Same thing is happening for me. I’m using Cutline 3-column (fixed to work with WP 2.3) and keep getting switched to the default theme after upgrading to WP 2.3.2. It worked fine in 2.3, 2.3.1. Also, the page links aren’t being recognized and I am getting 404 errors for all pages.

    The default theme doesn’t have the meta section so there is no login link. I go to bookmarked login, fix the theme–all is fine for a day or two then it switches back to the default theme.

    V 2.3.2 was supposed to fix security holes but it seems to have either created one or messed up theme settings. I’ve tried backtracking by turning off recent plugins but the problem with the theme and 404 pages continues.

    Yeah, I also have the same problem after i update to V 2.3.2, it make me feel messy because I need to change it back everyday or maybe every few hours…

    I believe this is problem is cause by some of plug-in.



    I have the same problem. I know it doesnt happen when I upload via FTP because everytime I edit and upload something (usually index.php or style.css) I ALWAYS check it to make sure it works and looks the way I wanted.

    Maybe it is an issue with a plugin. Here are my active plugins:

    Category Posts Widget by James Lao
    cforms II by Oliver Seidel
    Contact Form 7 By Takayuki Miyoshi
    Forgot the Category By Dan Coulter
    Google Analytics By Rich Boakes
    Highlight Author Comments By Rob Marsh, SJ
    is_frontpage By M. Stegink
    Lightbox 2 by Lokesh Dhakar and by Rupert Morris
    MiniMeta Widget By Daniel Hüsken
    punts By Carles Company Soler
    WordPress admin themer By Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
    WordPress Database Backup By Austin Matzko
    WP-Sticky By Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan

    does anyone know if any problems with any of those plugins that might be causing the problem?



    amazing – i’m having the same issues with this site : https://bodyprojectnyc.com/

    i’ve installed and hosted more than 50 wordpress sites, and this is the first this is happening.

    honestly, i am going to rename the folder that this theme is in to default and see if it makes a difference.

    though, i’d like to figure out what the longterm solution for this is, whether it’s plugins, themes, or a weird combo of both.



    so , i figured out my own issue – i think. when i downloaded the theme, it downloaded onto my desktop like this:

    THEthemeFolder -> theme directory -> theme files

    usually themes download like this:
    theme directory -> theme files

    so it uploaded into wordpress like this wp-content -> themes -> THEthemeFolder -> theme directory -> theme files.

    essentially, i took THEtheme and just moved it into the appropriate directory, like all other themes.

    wp-content -> themes -> theme directory -> theme files

    I hate it, can’t figure it out. I go to my error files and basically, even though I am using a path like this: https://www.mysite.com/site/index.php I get an error that it can’t find https://www.mysite.com/index.php. (This is a simplified version of the error, it’s not literally what it says.)

    Basically something in my WordPress code doesn’t know that it should look one folder down even though I have it adjusted in the dashboard and in the config files and everything. It doesn’t happen all the time so I know that those are properly setup.

    Anybody know where else I would look in WordPress to find why it creates a path that is not the proper one? Does everyone have WP in their root folder or does anyone have it in a subfolder like I do so I can have a less complicated site root folder?

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