• c0y0te


    Hi there,

    I’ve installed the theme switcher plugin to help switch between themes on my site, using the basic code so that it does a drop down:-

    • <h2><?php _e(‘Switch Theme’); ?></h2>
      <?php get_theme_switcher(‘form’); ?>
    • Problem is – the box displays perfectly, the drop down works and allows selction of a theme, but then the theme doesn’t display, it just remains on the current theme. I’ve checked the options within WP1.5 and it sees all themes, and it sees the plugin as ACTIVE, so I’m stumped.

      Any suggestions? What have I done wrong? Where should I look? Thanks in advance for any help.

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  • Well, I don’t “know” either…. but I never did anything at all except upload the file and activate the plugin, then put the relevant code where I wanted the dropdown to show.

    I’ve got – umm…. 7? – installs with it working. Never had a problem.

    7 installs with it working leads me to believe it is something specific with the location of this one. I assume the others were not on the same server.

    Um. 3 different servers. Well, 4 if you include my localhost install.

    Tracy? Are you on an IIS server?

    Sorry, v, I made the assumption your post was from tracy… oops.

    I was wondering if Tracy’s install was on an IIS server, since the first few posts here concerned that, and things ARE different with IIS….

    Vkaryl, my webhost says my account is hosted on a UNIX platform, and the webserver is Apache version 1.3.33.

    Now that we know this, what do we do?

    Well, that does help a little from my perspective since while I don’t know much about php, apache etc. I do know more than about IIS (about which I know LESS than nothing….)

    The reason the themeswitcher “just showed up” when you activated it is because Jennifer/geeksmakemehot included the “if” statement in the theme’s sidebar. If you have the plugin activated the switcher will automatically show up.

    This is going to sound really weird probably. First, go to your sidebar.php file, and take the word “dropdown” out of the themeswitcher call. Be sure to leave the parentheses and the single quotes, just take out the word itself. [Um. Before you do that, though, double check to make sure you have a themeswitcher call in the OTHER themes – because once you get it working, if you get to a theme that DOESN’T have the call inserted, it’s a PITA to get back….]

    What that will do is show a text list of themes. Once you refresh your page, click on one of the theme names displayed and see if it works as a text link. Then let us know.

    The reason the themeswitcher “just showed up” when you activated it is because Jennifer/geeksmakemehot included the “if” statement in the theme’s sidebar.

    Actually, I couldn’t swear to it, but I don’t think that’s why. I haven’t been using Jennifer’s theme through most of this – I had it on “Orange Sky” until a day or two ago. I think activating the Theme Switcher put all the code relating to it into the Sidebar Template, regardless of theme. But that’s kinda beside the point…

    Anyway, I removed “dropdown”, exactly as instructed, and it didn’t fix it.

    Another theory, maybe someone can confirm/shoot down: when I first started with WP, I had trouble with that bug where you sign in, and it just keeps relooping you back to the sign in page. The solution was to acknowledge that I was on a secure server, and change some code in the database to say to say “https” instead of “http”. Do you think the secure server might be messing me up again? ‘Cause it’s kind of a second case of the cookie not setting, yes? If so, what would I change and where?

    I don’t know anything about how it works on a secure server. Maybe someone else will have some idea about that. If that’s the case, you might have to contact Ryan Boren, the plugin author, about what to change and where.

    you might have to contact Ryan Boren

    Yeah, I looked around his site for an addy, but apparently homeboy’s REEEEAL reluctant to give one out to us programming-clueless goombahs using his plugin. ?? Probably afraid we’ll bug him till he has no more time to do anything else but answer questions. I may go look again, though, and see if I can’t ruthlessly bug him anyway.

    Thanks for all your time, Vkaryl! ??

    Good luck, Tracy. I wish I could have been of more assistance!

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