• Andrea


    Hi there,
    I made a big mistake: I update my website without relocate the .po and .mo files. Now translations didn’t appear on the frontend. If I go on Loco plugin page, in all the translations (theme – plugins) appear this quote:”This bundle isn’t fully configured, so we don’t know what the following files are for. Click the setup tab to complete the bundle configuration.”

    I really can’t understand how to fix it. I can’t restore a backup, it will determinate a lot of problems with woocommerce orders and coupon, so that’s not a way I want to take. But I can take files from backup.

    Should I delete everything and rewrite all the translations? Or, is there any solution you can suggest?

    Thank you in advance.

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  • Plugin Author Tim W


    This bundle isn’t fully configured, so we don’t know what the following files are for

    This message is not related to the losing of your translation files. It is the opposite: Extra files that the plugin doesn’t understand. This is common and nothing to worry about unless you need specifically to edit those files. In WooCommerce, I don’t think you do.

    Should I delete everything and rewrite all the translations? Or, is there any solution you can suggest?

    I really can’t offer advice on data restoration strategies. It is your server and you should know what is safe to restore and what isn’t. WordPress localisation uses .po and .mo files. If you can fish these out of your backups, then do so.

    Thread Starter Andrea


    Thank you very much for your reply.

    This message is not related to the losing of your translation files. It is the opposite: Extra files that the plugin doesn’t understand.

    Can you suggest me how to make these files readable from the theme?
    Thank you so much Tim.

    Plugin Author Tim W


    Can you suggest me how to make these files readable from the theme?

    In what way are they unreadable?

    Are you asking how to tell Loco Translate what the files are for, or are you asking how your theme can load them? Because the two things are unrelated.

    Thread Starter Andrea


    In what way are they unreadable?

    If I understood your previous message, you told me the update I made doesn’t let the theme and plugins read .po and .mo files generated.
    I’m trying to fix this out and looking for suggestions how to make those file readable again.

    Inside Loco panel, I red “Click the setup tab to complete the bundle configuration.” but I really can’t modify the bundle configuration. If this operation would fix my problem, it will be great, but I don’t know how to set up the bundle configuration. So, that’s what I’m looking for.

    Plugin Author Tim W


    If I understood your previous message, you told me the update I made doesn’t let the theme and plugins read .po and .mo files generated.

    I did not tell you anything close to this.

    I said Loco Translate doesn’t understand the files. As per the message you see in the UI, it does not know what they are for. I also pointed out that this probably doesn’t matter to you and certainly isn’t related to you losing your files.

    Configuring the bundle will not restore any files you’ve lost.

    Thread Starter Andrea


    Sorry then, I misunderstood your message.
    Anyway, I’m still looking for a way to fix the mistake I made, if there’s any chance. I need my translation to be visibile again on the website and now they are not, unfortunately.

    Otherway I will decide if to delete everything and re-enter the translations; or if to restore a backup.

    Thank you again for your time.

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