• First off let me set a few things straight:

    1. Although I can manually install plugins and themes. I will not.
    2. I am attempting to get a complete solution to this problem.
    3. I will grant you access to the actual account so you can look for yourself.
    4. I will post whatever details are required.
    5. I will respond to each suggestion by implementing the proposed solution recording the outcome and then reversing the change if it is not successful

    OS: CentOS 5 (Amazon EC2)

    FTP Access:
    server: https://ftp.enterpriseit.us
    user: testdomain1.com
    pass: (contact me for password)

    Group Membership
    | Group | Members |
    | testdomain1.com | apache, testdomain1.com, root |

    | Owner & Group |
    | Path | Owner | Group |
    | / | testdomain1.com | testdomain1.com |
    (All directories under / have same owner and group)

    | Permissions |
    | Path | Permission | Permission Octal |
    | / | drwxrwxr-x | 0775 |
    | /*.* | -rw-r–r– | 0644 |
    | /wp-content/ | drwxr-xr-x | 0755 |
    | /wp-content/*.* | -rw-r–r– | 0644 |
    | /wp-content/plugins/ | drwxr-xr-x | 0755 |
    | /wp-content/themes/ | drwxr-xr-x | 0755 |

Viewing 11 replies - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)
  • Thread Starter eitsadmin


    I did the following:
    sudo chmod 0777 upgrade/

    This had no effect.
    I have reverted by doing the following:
    sudo chmod 0775 upgrade/

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist


    You said this earlier:
    drwxrwsr-x 3 apache testdomain3.com.g /wp-content/uploads

    When you set up /wp-content/upgrade, did you do that as apache:testdomain3.com.g too?

    Thread Starter eitsadmin


    at this point we are at testdomain4.com… just fyi.

    the uploads directory is not created by default. It is only created after an image upload is completed. I had not done any image uploads yet as we resolved that problem. As such no uploads dir existed. I have uploaded an image to a post and now it exists with the following permissions:

    drwxrwsr-x 3 testdomain4.com testdomain4.com.g plugins
    drwxrwsr-x 3 testdomain4.com testdomain4.com.g themes
    drwxrwsr-x 3 root            testdomain4.com.g upgrade
    drwxrwsr-x 3 apache          testdomain4.com.g uploads

    upgrade is owned by root as it was manually created.
    uploads is owned by apache as it was created via the image upload process.

    Having the uploads folder has made no change in the plugin install outcome.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Same idea ?? 4, 3, whatever

    Change upgrade to apache:testdomain4.com.g if you can, please. While WordPress SHOULD be able to create it, I’ve had moments where my server barfed on it.

    Thread Starter eitsadmin


    I have added the upgrade and uploads folder creation to my initialization script.

    Thread Starter eitsadmin


    I have done the following:
    sudo chown -R apache ./upgrade/

    The ownership is now:

    drwxrwsr-x 3 testdomain4.com testdomain4.com.g plugins
    drwxrwsr-x 3 testdomain4.com testdomain4.com.g themes
    drwxrwsr-x 3 apache          testdomain4.com.g upgrade
    drwxrwsr-x 3 apache          testdomain4.com.g uploads

    I cleaned out the upgrade folder and rearn plugin install. I have the same problem still.

    I wdid not revert this change as it should be a benign change.

    Thread Starter eitsadmin


    Side Note:

    When i manually add a file or directory under the upgrade folder, using ftp client, it is added with the group write bit set. When i install a plugin, the folder that is created does not have the group write bit set.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Well that makes a bit of sense… When you do it via WordPress it’s running as whomever runs PHP. If you check the folders in uploads, I suspect they’d be the same as for upgrade…

    What are the permissions/ownerships for the folders and files in the plugins directory?

    FWIW, here’s how the plugin upgrade via WordPres works:
    1) Download the zip file to /wp-content/upgrade
    2) Explode the zip
    3) COPY the unzipped folder to /wp-content/plugins/

    I THINK we’re at step 3 now, so I’m leaning to thinking the error is it can’t overwrite the files. This MAY be due to the group/owner mismatch.

    Thread Starter eitsadmin


    I disagree in that we are step 3. I think we are at step 2. The directory structure for the plugin exists in the upgrade folder but there are no files at all in any of the subdirs.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    A, sorry, you’re right. I thought the .tmp folder was … A folder not a file. Bad read on my end, sorry.

    What version of PHP do you have installed? And is it SuPhp or suhosin?

    Thread Starter eitsadmin


    PHP Version:
    php5 latest from amzn rpm using yum

    I don’t even know what SuPHP or suhosin are

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