• Resolved raisthlin


    Theme: Oriental

    Hi all,

    heres a simple question. It is not enterely theme related because i think the way to achieve it is similar for all theme…anyway

    i would like all my post to have a border..like a table. How can i achieve this ?

    i tried adding a border code in


    and a few more but i just cant get it to work. I did manage to do it in other themes by adding the same or similar strings in the CSS file but for some reasons it doesnt work with oriental. maybe im doing something wrong ??

    any one as a clue ? please

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  • Try putting the border on

    #content .post { border: ..... }

    Thread Starter raisthlin


    heres the style CSS code. Maybe some1 could points me in the right direction. Everything i tried didnt work. I thinking about adding borders on all single codes and see what happens by deleting them one at a time but it would be sooo annoying!

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    Thread Starter raisthlin


    resolved. i used the .widget code to add a border

    can you tell us how you did it?

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