• I recently took contol of a clients website and have been slowly cleaning it and bug fixing. Most everything has been corrected, but there is one item I can not seem to figure out…and it is important.

    The theme is Agent 3.0, now owned by Studiopress. (They won’t help as the original designer and theme purchaser is gone and left no contact info.)

    The limited, yet important, theme options will not save. For example, it asks how many posts to show on the front page, I input 3 and hit save, and it resets to 1. I have attempted to edit theme-options.php to reset what event the defaults should be, but nothing changes.

    Other theme elements will save. I can change the header, footer, widgets, etc. The theme options will not save nor change.

    A Cache program was affecting theme updates until disabled, but that didn’t fix the options problem.

    I have no idea what the next step in trouble shooting would be. I did attempt to replace the theme with a previously backed up version, but the same problem arises.

    Any help would be appreciated.


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  • Robin


    I am having the same problem. Did you or anybody else find a solution? I cannot change the Halo theme settings. I can change all other settings. When I look on the SQL server, the changes are not there either. If I manually change the SQL server, then the changes do take.

    When I try to change the theme settings, it says that the changes have saved, but it does not do anything. When I then go back into the theme settings, the old, unchanged settings are still there.


    Thread Starter cphine


    In my particular case, I was able to finally confirm with the theme designer that the version of the theme I was using was not compatible with the new version of WordPress. I went in a different direction after learning this, so never discovered if there was an “in theme” fix to the problem.

    Do check that you don’t have any cache programs/plugins running. I have had experience where they prohibited settings changes. Baring that, try to contact the theme designer and see if there are any known issues. Sorry I can’t be more help.



    Thank you for the response.

    I have contacted the theme developer and he claims that there should be no compatibility problem and that nobody else is having this problem.

    I have no plugins and no cache programs running.

    Anybody else have any ideas?

    Robin, did you find a solution? I’m having the same issue right now ??
    I’m on delivery and I guess this is going to be hard for me.
    If you can, let me know. I cannot find any cause…



    Dear Enricofra-
    Unfortunately, he never did find a solution, after many conversations back and forth. I just use the theme that I initially used when setting up my site, and have never been able to tweak/or upgrade my site. It’s unfortunate because it’s a nice looking theme, but that has been a major flaw. I don’t think I could recommend it.


    Robin, I’ve finally found the cause of my problem. Hope it could help you too.
    During a work session 2 days ago my connection dropped abruptly and – I discovered it just now – my style.css (the one in the theme root) was damaged.
    Since style.css contains, in the header, the name of the theme that WP uses to recognize it, the damage stopped WP from knowing the name of the theme and therefore from being able to manage the theme options which, now I know, are labeled with the theme name in the “wp-options” database.
    So, in other words, wordpress could not read or modify the options I set since, not knowing the theme name, he cannot find them in the DB.
    Restoring the CSS immediately solved the problem.

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