Theme matching
Hi and thanks for an amazing plugin!
I’m using a theme where the developer registered CPT fields in a php file,
Any call to show “ts-speaker” post type looks like this:
<?php // speaker details $exhibs_designation = exhibz_meta_option(get_the_id(), 'exhibs_designation'); $exhibs_photo = exhibz_meta_option(get_the_id(), 'exhibs_photo'); $exhibs_logo = exhibz_meta_option(get_the_id(), 'exhibs_logo'); $exhibs_summery = exhibz_meta_option(get_the_id(), 'exhibs_summery'); $socials = exhibz_meta_option(get_the_id(), 'social'); ?>
found this on global.php,
// return the specific value from metabox // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function exhibz_meta_option($postid, $key, $default_value = '') { if (defined('FW')) { $value = fw_get_db_post_option($postid, $key, $default_value); } return (!isset($value) || $value == '') ? $default_value : $value; }
found this on a separate plugin comes with the theme:
<?php /** * * Custom Post Type And Taxonomies Class * */ namespace ExhibzCustomPost; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; class Exhibz_CustomPost { private $textdomain; private $xs_posts; public function __construct( $textdomain){ $this->textdomain = $textdomain; $this->xs_posts = array(); add_action('init', array($this, 'register_custom_post')); } public function xs_init( $type, $singular_label, $plural_label, $settings = array() ){ $default_settings = array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => __($plural_label, $this->textdomain), 'singular_name' => __($singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New '.$singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'edit_item'=> __('Edit '.$singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'new_item'=>__('New '.$singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'view_item'=>__('View '.$singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'search_items'=>__('Search '.$plural_label, $this->textdomain), 'not_found'=>__('No '.$plural_label.' found', $this->textdomain), 'not_found_in_trash'=>__('No '.$plural_label.' found in trash', $this->textdomain), 'parent_item_colon'=>__('Parent '.$singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'menu_name' => __($plural_label,$this->textdomain) ), 'public'=>true, 'has_archive' => true, 'menu_icon' => '', 'menu_position'=>20, 'supports'=>array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail' ), 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => sanitize_title_with_dashes($plural_label) ) ); $this->xs_posts[$type] = array_merge($default_settings, $settings); } public function register_custom_post(){ foreach($this->xs_posts as $key=>$value) { register_post_type($key, $value); flush_rewrite_rules( false ); } } } class Exhibz_Taxonomies { protected $textdomain; protected $taxonomies; public function __construct ( $textdomain ){ $this->textdomain = $textdomain; $this->taxonomies = array(); add_action('init', array($this, 'register_taxonomy')); } public function xs_init( $type, $singular_label, $plural_label, $post_types, $settings = array() ){ $default_settings = array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => __($plural_label, $this->textdomain), 'singular_name' => __($singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'add_new_item' => __('New '.$singular_label.' Name', $this->textdomain), 'new_item_name' => __('Add New '.$singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'edit_item'=> __('Edit '.$singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'update_item'=> __('Update '.$singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'add_or_remove_items'=> __('Add or remove '.strtolower($plural_label), $this->textdomain), 'search_items'=>__('Search '.$plural_label, $this->textdomain), 'popular_items'=>__('Popular '.$plural_label, $this->textdomain), 'all_items'=>__('All '.$plural_label, $this->textdomain), 'parent_item'=>__('Parent '.$singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'choose_from_most_used'=> __('Choose from the most used '.strtolower($plural_label), $this->textdomain), 'parent_item_colon'=>__('Parent '.$singular_label, $this->textdomain), 'menu_name'=>__($singular_label, $this->textdomain), ), 'public' => true, 'show_in_nav_menus' => true, 'show_admin_column' => true, 'hierarchical' => true, 'show_tagcloud' => false, 'show_ui' => true, 'show_in_rest' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => sanitize_title_with_dashes($plural_label) ) ); $this->taxonomies[$type]['post_types'] = $post_types; $this->taxonomies[$type]['args'] = array_merge($default_settings, $settings); } public function register_taxonomy(){ foreach($this->taxonomies as $key => $value) { register_taxonomy($key, $value['post_types'], $value['args']); } } }
Can I still use the plugin? I tried in a few ways like meta fields but it doesn’t really work with meta box fields.
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