• I’m having the following issues with the theme

    No access to widgets to edit them… clicking on widgets brings up a blank page and clicking on the customisation menu footer widget also bring up a blank sidebar

    On the homepage there is large blank space before the image which does not disappear when margins and padding are changed

    and how do i add login/logout to the menu

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  • Thread Starter graciax452


    Also the button text disappears on mobile


    Thank you for reaching us.

    We are unable to replicate the issue you have reported on our testing environment so please provide us with a specific screen record of the issue you are facing so I can inspect it and provide you with an appropriate solution.

    Also, the issue might be raised due to the third-party plugin you have used so please check it once by deactivating the third-party plugins one by one and let me know.

    Furthermore, please share your website URL.

    If the issue still persists, please let me know and I will be back.


    Thread Starter graciax452


    I cant add an image here you can see it on speakshona.com the header menu is not visible on the home page. I have disabled all plugins still the same


    If you want to add a Background color or Background image on the header menu then please go to the WordPress Dashboard > Customize > Header > Header Main Area and under Colors, you can add either background color or background image as shown in the screenshot below


    Also, if you are referring to enable a transparent header then please go to the Pages > Home (Edit) and under Page setting you will see a Header option. In the Header option, you need to choose Enable Transparent Header as shown in the screenshot below


    Hoper this helps.

    If you have any confusion or queries later, please let me know and I will be back.


    Thread Starter graciax452


    As mentioned none of that works, still have the gap, it is only on the homepage not on the other pages.

    And still no access to widgets….

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