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    edit footer.php of your theme and add the code just before the closing of the body tag;


    <?php wp_footer(); ?>
    Thread Starter Szuta


    I did it. Still dont working.


    Thread Starter Szuta


    [ 106 lines of code moderated. For more than 10 lines of code please use instead. ]

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Szuta, that is not a theme hosted on’s repo, but the version I downloaded from that site already contains <?php wp_footer(); ?> on line 110 of mono/footer.php.

    Your style.css shows you are running a current version of that theme. What problem are you having that you think can be solved by adding wp_footer()?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Ah, your theme is slightly different.

    Try from the source instead and make sure you backup your existing themes/mono directory before installing that new copy. That way you will not lose your changes.

    Thread Starter Szuta


    I make backup my mono and I use new theme but I still have not footer.

    qoute from the theme’s demo footer:

    About the Footer

    The adjustable footer layout contains 8 widget areas!

    Just drag and drop widgets and plugins into these sections. Don’t need this area? Simply do not add any widgets and the theme will automatically hide it for you.

    the footer of your theme is totally build with using widgets

    dashboard – appearance – widgets -> drag some textwidgets or other widgets into the footer widget areas…

    (btw: this has nothing to so with wp_footer() which is just a hook to hook additional functionalty to wordpress site)

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Sorry, I don’t know what to say. The zip file I downloaded puts the file into cudazi-mono-unzip-before-use/Theme Files/mono.

    In that directory the footer.php file contains on line 109 this:

                    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

    Have you extracted the zip file as well as move the cudazi-mono-unzip-before-use/Theme Files/mono directory into your wp-content/themes/ directory on your server?

    Thread Starter Szuta


    alchymyth oke, now its working, than you very much ??

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