• I am running my blog with WordPress version 2.0.2 and has come across a quite annoying problem. I have found a workaround, but I’d like to find out what the problem is:

    I have installed and adapted the Almost Spring 1.0 theme to my blog. Every 2, 3, 4 or x days, the active theme is being reset to the wordpress 1.5 default theme. I have tried stripping away everything I don’t need and still it happens.

    I think this started when I installed a new, hidden blog in the same database as my regular blog, but with a different database prefix. This new blog has wordpress 1.5 default theme as selected theme.

    The workaround I have made is to remove the default theme and copy the Almost spring theme to the default directory and rename the theme in the .css-file. But I don’t think this is a satisfactory solution and would like to get a clue of what’s doing this.

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  • This happened a loooong time ago with 1.2.2 – or something very similar.

    If your site is
    and someone goes to
    does that cause the problem?
    Can you try and check?

    This plugin will detect if something deliberately changes the theme using the update_option() call. The update_option() function is one of two functions that can alter the theme, the other being delete_option(), which has no plugin hook and so can’t be watched.

    Anyway, if something on your site explicitly sets the template or stylesheet settings, you should receive an email at your admin email address with a listing of debug information. Install and activate the plugin, then switch themes to make sure it works (you get email from it).

    Then leave it active and wait for your theme to change without you having done it. If whatever is doing it calls update_option(), you will get email. Paste the debug info from that email here, and someone will be able to determine what’s doing it.

    If you don’t get email when the theme switches by itself, then whateer does it isn’t using update_option() to do it, and it’s going to take a little more doing to track it down. But you should still report that.

    Tried themewatch plugin. It doesn’t work. It is installed and activated but does not send me email when I switch themes. WP 1.5.2. Thanks anyway.

    The plugin will not work with WP 1.5.2. The original poster said 2.0.2, where it should work fine. The hook that the plugin uses does not exist in 1.5.2.

    Regardless of whether the themewatch plugin will not work in WP 1.5.2, the fact that I’m getting the same problem as folks who use WP 2.0.2 indicates that the problem is not confined to WP 2.0.2. Perhaps it is due to different factors in 1.5.2 and 2.0.2, but perhaps it is something they have in common. Just a thought. Thanks.

    Sure. But the implication from your last comment was that the plugin didn’t work – it does, just on WP 2.0.2. Knowing that the offending code is likely the same betwen 1.5.2 and 2.0.2 isn’t going to help as much in detecting it as verifying it.

    I am having a similar problem, one blog, one database. I am using a custom theme and every day or two, it was resetting to the default theme, so I removed the default, now every day or two, it just shows a blank page. I have a few websites, all of which have blogs, all are on different servers/hosts/ips – is there a workaround or solution?

    Please install the plugin ringmaster refers to:

    We need more information to work this out.

    how do I go about installing that? I downloaded it locally.

    nevermind, I found the page for how to instal plugins. I was wondering, since it keeps wanting to reset to default, and since I have no interest in changing themes, can I just name the folder of my custom theme to default? would that resolve the issue for me?

    Hi guys, this is the debug I receive, but ONLY when I change the default theme to my theme (spectra):

    [0] => Array
    [function] => theme_watch
    [args] => Array
    [0] => spectra


    [1] => Array
    [file] => /var/www/html/wp/wp-includes/functions.php
    [line] => 1279
    [function] => call_user_func_array
    [args] => Array
    [0] => theme_watch
    [1] => Array
    [0] => spectra



    [2] => Array
    [file] => /var/www/html/wp/wp-includes/functions.php
    [line] => 376
    [function] => do_action
    [args] => Array
    [0] => update_option_stylesheet
    [1] => spectra
    [2] => default


    [3] => Array
    [file] => /var/www/html/wp/wp-admin/themes.php
    [line] => 12
    [function] => update_option
    [args] => Array
    [0] => stylesheet
    [1] => default



    Just an FYI, I tried solving this by deleting the default theme, and a few days later, my website came up blank. No theme was selected when I went into the presentation admin screen. It’s happened several times since then.

    For now, I’m going to do what was suggested above, and copy my current theme into a folder labelled default, so that if it switches again, I won’t have a loss of service for clients.

    We had the problem of the theme reverting to default. The interval between changes was not fixed.
    In our case it appears to have occured due to an oversight on our behalf. We had left a copy of the files in a test folder mapped to a test URL where we had tested WordPress with default settings. We had changed URL General options (for WordPress and Blog) and copied our test files to a new folder and set up our new URL and added a new theme and everything seemed fine.
    Unfortunately a crawler (Yahoo in fact) found the old copy on the test URL and each time it requested the index.php the theme was changed to default (because on that URL there was no copy of the new theme and so the database wp_options table template value would have been found to be invalid).
    Clearly the solution in our case was to delete the test folder (which we should have done anyway once the new site was up).

    I was having the same problem.
    Basically, I had my wordpress running from two seperate domains with two seperate codebases, but sharing a database. When adding (or editing the folder name of) a theme in only one of the codebases, when visiting the other site/codebase, it couldn’t find the theme I had selected, and so chose a theme it knew it could find…. default!

    Your Problem:
    You must have two seperate wordpress codebases sharing a database. If not, it must be a different problem, sorry!

    1. Make sure the theme exists in both codebases!
    2. Have both [sub]domains point to the same codebase.
    3. Have each [sub]domain use a seperate database.
    4. Delete one of the codebases (and set up a redirect)

    I chose option 4 because I don’t need them both! (I was migrating)

    Hope this helps!

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