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  • If you want to remove template size of any image/first iage, remove this line from post.php

    <?php hybrid_entry_class(); ?>

    You can then set size of image in each post individually via HTML view.

    Thread Starter ojabierto


    Thank you so much ! I’ll try it right now.

    Thread Starter ojabierto


    Well, i just tried it & to be honest, this doesn’t work very well with this theme. I only wish i can change the first image’s size… But thanks again anyway.


    you want to change the size of header image.

    According your theme the header image is fixed in style.css template. you can edit here the width header-banner:

    #header-banner {
    	width: 68.08510638297872%; <--edit the image
    	float: right;

    and edit the custom-width of image in function.php template of your theme.

    $args = array(
    		'width'         => 630, <-- edit the width
    		'height'        => 360,
    		'header-text'   => false,
    		'default-image' => trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ).'images/header_default.png',
    		'uploads'       => true,
    	add_theme_support( 'custom-header', $args );

    This is what I did to control the size of the featured image in hatch:
    First of all, I hear it’s bad to alter the theme code, so make sure you have a pristine copy of hatch and create a child theme. This is very easy. My child theme consists of a folder (in the themes folder) called hatch-child. Into hatch child I put a style.css file with:

    Theme Name: Hatch Child
    Description: Child theme for Hatch theme
    Author: stoatoffear
    Template: hatch
    @import url("../hatch/style.css");

    Please bear in mind that the theme name “hatch” is case-sensitive.
    Next create a functions.php file in the hatch-child folder with the following, but altering the line at the bottom as you wish:

    * @package Hatch Child
    * @subpackage Functions
    * @version 0.1
    * @author DevPress
    * @link
    * @license
    /* Do theme setup on the 'after_setup_theme' hook. */
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'hatch_child_theme_setup', 11 );
    function hatch_child_theme_setup() {
        /* Get action/filter hook prefix. */
        $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
        /* Custom image sizes */
        remove_action( 'init', 'hatch_image_sizes' );
        add_action( 'init', 'mytheme_image_sizes' );
    function mytheme_image_sizes() {
    	add_image_size( 'single-thumbnail', 640, 360, true );
    /*alter this line to change the featured image size
    delete "true" to stop the image being cropped, or change the width and height. */

    Then activate the child theme in your site and voila! You will have to re-insert any images that were inserted before you activated the child-theme, plus the header image on the home page will also need to be re-done, and if you have a menu you will have to reactivate it.

    Check my site where you can see that the featured images are now not cropped, and insert themselves at the correct height – whatever that is.

    I am a newbie too, so be sure to point out any improvements! I haven’t noticed any problems yet though.

    Thread Starter ojabierto


    Hi Richard,

    Thank you for share your experience here. Your technic sounds very interesting to me. But to be honest, i don’t want to re-insert so many images. ?? (as you can see

    So i think i’ll keep my website with these cropped featured images.

    Anyway, i hope that your advice will help some people.


    ojabierto, you’d only have to reinsert your featured images, plus the main image on your home page.

    I have learned a lot from the discussions. I will definitely benefited from the ideas

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