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  • Theme Author Griden


    The Hatch doc is here: The theme is not built to use a static home page and there is no special front page template for that purpose. It basically just displays your posts like a regular blogging theme.

    Nice Docs!

    I can live this site as it is ???

    Documents are not ready yet.

    try to make sure u have a “featured” photo for each post. The grey squares show so it just not finding the photo. My em is [redacted – please do not post contact information here]

    I know of a few other similar themes if u want to try them. Might be easier?

    My plan is click the b/w logo image and you’ll see more color logo image gallery. Not many text. I have a quick time video, so i’d like to add that is well. Can you tell me how can i add my video. It is not you tube. It is in my dvd.

    Well I’d like to see easier version themes as well; however, I already started and in learning process. This website HAS to finish by March 29!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR GREAT HELP. I might have more questions when i go further.

    If i understand u right u want the grey placehoklder sq to show a b/w photo of logo and then when people clikc it they goto the “post” with a gallery of more similar logo/photos in color?

    I cant see the site but if you make a post with the gallery of color oics and choose the 1 b/w for “featured image” the featured image should show in place of the grey box on home/front.

    If you dont see the “freatured image” section in the right sidebar then goto top/right of page (screen options) to drop down the hidden menu and select “featured image” to allow it to show if it doesnt already.

    If it would help i can give u access to my demo site that has that theme –> bestinelaware .com as admin to compare your to it and maybe help find diff that help. Let me know!

    The vid would be easire to put to youtube and just put link on line by itself and it will play. I have a vid somewhere hosted on the site demo but it is quicktime and not always play ??

    Ohers i have used in past that is similar. I could not think of them so had to go back thru n look for them again.

    portfolio Press

    Also if u search for keywords like – portfolio, gallery, photos, photography, or similar you will find another theme that is easier for you.

    I am going to check others as well.

    hmmm for video I have to put youtube my video.

    let me finish up my page and then I’ll ask your opinion again. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

    I dont like YT either but it is easiest way to have vid on sites. If you have shared hosting the vids might take too long to load or stop n go while playing. They have a way to amke the vids private so only play from where you post. They wont be searchable/viewable on yt but only where you want w/link.

    WordPress/Automatic has a solution for video on wordpress sites called for under 60$ year they will host vids for you and gives you link like yt to embedd into post ads free!

    There are more themes similar to hatch but finding may be not easy. I hope you like the ones I gave and remember to be cautious of any themes you find NOT in the WordPRess repository on the WP site or in your dashboard(appearance>themes>add-new)

    Have fun and good luck! ??

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