Hello Jamie,
If every text in your theme’s .php
files is written using the __()
-like functions, and you prepared a set of .po/.mo
files using, for example, POEdit
for each language your theme supports, and you load those .mo
files as described here then everything should be fine, and WPGlobus will be able to switch between languages in your theme’s code.
Now, if your theme has an option panel, which asks the user to enter some texts, which are stored in the options
database table, you should always display those texts using one of the WP filters, for example the_title
echo apply_filters( 'the_title', $text_from_the_theme_options );
The final step would be attaching WPGlobus Multilingual Editor to the options panel. There is no universal solution for that, and anyway, you should be using Customizer instead, according to the most recent WP guidelines…
Let us know if any of this sounds unclear, and we’ll be glad to answer all additional questions you might have.
Thank you!
The WPGlobus Team