• In the Evolve theme I’m using the Bootstrap Slider to display our retreat center’s logo on the front page of our website. The image that I have been given is smaller than the bootstrap slider so I’ve selected the option to have it cover 100% of the background. However, when I do this I have shadows that appear on the edges of my image. See https://www.emmauscenter.org for what I’m talking about.

    Is there a way that I can remove these shadows? Or do I just need to go back and modify the original artwork so that it will fit and not necessarily have to be stretched?


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  • Hi there,

    Thanks for writing in,

    These shadows are default shadows which appears on the slides to scroll through (see: https://prntscr.com/7lkj3p ). If you wish to suppress them so you can add following code under Appearance > Theme Options > Custom CSS:

    .carousel-control.left {
      background-image: none !important;
    .carousel-control.right {
      background-image: none !important;


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