• I am using the Michael Heilemann theme and would like to make a few edits to my blog. I would for instance want to add my google tower to the side bar but at the bottom of the theme it says:If this file were writable you could edit it.
    What can I do to successfully edit my blog? Can somebody please help me?

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  • Everybody’s new sometime.

    There is no single “guide to how to do everything on the web right the first time” that I know of, but if there is — I too failed to read it before jumping in head first.

    I’d say “go for it” when it comes to installing WP for your first time. It’s just a bunch of files, .php, .css, .yadda, .yadda, and .yadda

    I’m especially sympathetic to the confusions since they added TinyMCE which is an endless stream of files that’s difficult to take-in when you’re first uploading… if a novice tries to look inside every folder they’d be so lost they might never run the Famous 5 Minute Install.

    But the theme / template files, yeah, get to know ’em, they’re the look of your site

    TinyMCE is a mess, and a bad example of something I would even look at. The directory structure alone, is a clusterf&ck.

    Themes, on the other hand..I dunno. Obviously, and I do mean obviously without the sarcasm, I expect too much of the human race.

    People spend money on domains. Spend money to get them hosted. And then naively upload stuff without even bothering to see precisely what is they’re uploading.

    And we wont even talk about ppl that wont upgrade *cough cough* ??

    Hi Root & dGold Thanks for your answers. Unfortunately, its not the answer i need. The problem is (as stated before) once I get to my text editor what do I do?

    I do know a little about HTML, not much. Enough to create a basic website. I had read most of the tutorials etc on WordPress BEFORE I downloaded it or set it up. Still I have questions.

    I will give you a prime example. I have a theme I have chosen. You can see it at https://www.healingcommunities.org/wordpress. The theme does not have anything like blogroll or links which I need. I would also like to make some changes to the header, but I have figured that part out. So my question is and has been this enitire time, WHAT do I change, edit, input, take out or add to the script once I have opened my file in the text editor. In the fucntions page I have added the code for a blogroll and a calendar, yet it still does not show on the site. I do have enough brain cells to figure out whats needed but not enough experience to figure out what I have done wrong.

    As for spending money on programs, I am a small non-profit. In 2006 my husband & I lived on 6,000 U.S. dollars. I am trying desperately to set up my own business to help support the non-profit work we do. We can not afford expensive programs. I have no choice but to pay for the domain. So, I came here for help. Sadly there has been more sarcasm then help. This hardly goes along with the spirit of “open source sharing”

    Gods, no sarcasm here: you should spend more time asking a specific question, and less of the thread with your biography and generalized complaints that will make your question hard to see. I will try to help with SPECIFIC questions, but I need to know what you are asking exactly.

    If you read my post above, I told you what to do in the text file to alter your theme templates.

    First you make a backup of the text file.

    Open text file on your computer, delete the parts you don’t want. Save it, reupload it to your website. Now load your site and see if it looks like you wanted. If not then replace your backup file and try again.

    “In the fucntions page I have added the code for a blogroll and a calendar, yet it still does not show on the site.”

    As far as I know you never need to touch the functions file. The only files you should edit are inside your wp-content/themes/ folder.

    It sounds like you want to add the get_links and calendar codes to your sidebar.php

    Well I am not suggesting you spend any money. There is a cornucopia of free software on the net including the one I recommended Notepad ++.
    The files you need to edit are in wp-content/themes/whatever.

    HI Root,
    I think I was addressing whoami, who made has made several comments about the peoples lack of understanding including

    People spend money on domains. Spend money to get them hosted. And then naively upload stuff without even bothering to see precisely what is they’re uploading.

    If you read what I posted, you will see that I said the problem is not knowing HOW to edit but WHAT to edit. I have said this several times, and every one just keeps repeating the same stupid thing which is “just go to the text editor and edit it” What the H*** do I edit?

    It’s the CODE I am having a problem with. Repeating the same answer over and over is not helping.

    I don’t know what else to say to get that through to this “support” group!! UGH

    I think I was addressing whoami, who made has made several comments about the peoples lack of understanding including

    People spend money on domains. Spend money to get them hosted. And then naively upload stuff without even bothering to see precisely what is they’re uploading.

    That wasn’t a remark about any lack of understanding. And had nothing in that suggested you needed to spend money — I believe you spent a paragraph on that above…

    That was a general commentary on how very little people pay attn, plain and simple, and quite true.

    You are but a drop in a very large sea of people that have come through these forums. After you have spent more than three days complaining that no-one will give you the answer YOU want — maybe then you can speak to something thats very very evident to those of that read and help here — rather than just typing and complaining.

    Have a great day.

    Thanks for your input. It has really been the only helpful response I have gotten. If you will notice there are 20 some odd posts on this thread and only one has anything like a “biography”. I was in fact responding to one idiots comment about people who seem to want something for nothing.

    I did ask a very specific question, how to I edit code. The answer I have gotten (over & over ad nauseum) is “you just edit it in a text editor”. That is not an answer at all for a novice who has no idea what to edit or how or where to edit.

    I realized early on that I could delete the parts I did not want, but how do I ADD or CHANGE things. For instance, I want to change the title on the blogroll to say Links. I am sure there is a code buried somewhere for that.

    here, is a great example:

    You said, in your very first post in this thread:

    I am using the Purple-40 theme from Home Loans and I want to remove the google ads or adsense portion of the theme. How and where do I do this?

    Further on you have “indicated” that you dont like those replies:

    I have said this several times, and every one just keeps repeating the same stupid thing which is “just go to the text editor and edit it” What the H*** do I edit?

    How bout you take the time to explain WHERE the ads are displaying..Because, despite what you might think, I LOOKED at that page, and I see NO ads here:


    Rather than expect that we mindread, and that the flaw is in us.. you could simply be more specific.

    and finally, since you are No longer using that theme — why not provide a link to it being displayed complete with ads you want to remove.

    ..one idiots …. wow. you are calling me an idiot? Im REAL glad I dont go to your church.:)

    For instance, I want to change the title on the blogroll to say Links. I am sure there is a code buried somewhere for that.

    You added that via a widget, correct?

    Thats not in the theme – therefore you cannot edit a theme file to remove it. There might be a way to edit the widget — or the fucntion, I dont know I dont use widgets.

    @chifu: Sorry you seem to be struggling a bit. Just to make you really depressed any theme by Michael Heilemann is notoriously difficult to customise. But that’s WordPress.

    @ Gods

    First: I’m done with this thread. The questions are vaugue and there are too many arguments. The answers aren’t much better, for the most part. I advise you to ditch this derailed thread and try again.

    Post 1 new thread, with 1 specific question. You know what specific means, right?

    For example, if you ask generally “how do I edit” the answer is edit the text file. If you ask “what do I change” the answer is change the parts you want to look different on your site.

    If you want to know how to change the title of your blogroll: post a new thread that asks that specific question nicely (without complaints, biography, or other distractions) and I will again make an effort to answer.

    Please keep in mind the people answering are merely volunteering to be here, and offering free replies. No 1 person is the “official” answer, these are just free opinions: take it or leave it.

    As for this pitiful thread, I’m out. Final point: This forum is no place for personal attacks, put-downs, insults, posturing, posing, and showing off – whether you are questioning, or answering. Q: Just ask a specific question about the software; A: Just answer the question and leave the edgy commentary out please. There’s absolutely no reason to start, incite, perpetuate, or participate in word fights here. It is a software support forum which is open to ALL levels of skill. Let’s not just insult everyone until they quit WP and leave please,

    k, thnx bai.

    Wow… I created a wordpress account just to respond to Godsgirl. Godsgirl, you have no right getting mad at the people trying to help you here. None of your questions are direct, youre beating around the bush. The people here have told you everything you need to know as to how to edit your themes and make them the way you want. If you have any other questions, rather then asking non-relevant ones here, refer to our good old friend Google.com. He’d be more then happy to answer your questions like “Basics of HTML” or “Basics of PHP” or perhaps “I’m a noob and I yell at people helping me, what do I do?” or you could just go to https://www.w3schools.com and try your luck out there! You won’t get very far if you yell at the people helping you, the world doesn’t revolve around thee! ;). Good luck.

    Okay, thank you for answering my question. WP is different from Movable Type in the sense that you can update your template with the click of a button (and by “rebuilding” your files)…rather than editing and then ftp’ing to the site.

    Just FYI.

    After 5+ years of MT I’ve moved on. Some things I will miss, but mostly I am exicted!


    Thanks again. I kept looking for a button to click. *ha ha*

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