• Hi all,

    I’m new to WordPress… and I feel sort of like a fluffy little squirrel who just stepped into Bagdad ?? This has just been hurting my brain for a week.

    I’m trying to upload this theme https://themes.wordpress.net/columns/2-columns/4359/rounded-transparent-10/ to the site i’m working on. I downloaded it, unzipped it, and via WS_FTP uploaded the files to a folder located here: wp-content/themes/rounded-transparent-10/

    but I see nothing in the “Themes” menu apart from the current one, and six others that oddly enough are not found in my /themes/ folder.

    What have I done wrong? *dodges gunfire*

    on a quick side-note, the site uses an old version of WP. would upgrading fix the issue? If so, how hard is that?

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  • 1. for the rounded… theme: make sure you don’t have double folders, like

    2. I’d really like to see that admin panel with 6 themes that are invisible in FTP

    3. Upgrading. The answer is always YES, do it. Although some themes and plugins probably will NOT work with the latest. (On the other hand they might not work with with your ancient WP, either).
    What version do you have?

    Thread Starter canadianjameson


    Hi Moshu,

    1) I do not have double folders :0) I made very sure of that.

    2) I would very much like to show you, and as a moderator I can only trust that you have the best interest of those you help in mind. If you e-mail me at jonesdoyle AT gmail.com I can provide you with the login info. I’m on somewhat of a sketchy deadline so at this point I don’t mind getting 3rd party help if it means I can start this thing as soon as possible

    3) what are the risks of updating. Is it possible that I lose all of the data on the site? How hard is it to do?

    *scared little squirrel sniffs air hopefully*

    will I lose limbs / set of Russian nukes in the process? (lol)

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