Hi Mark,
here is the answer provided by the theme’s developer. Unfortunately, the problem is not resolved ??
Perhaps there’s conflict with this plugin and equal heights script of the theme. You can edit theme’s file header.php and delete this part:
<!– equal heights –>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo $template_path ?>/js/equal_heights.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
window.onload = function() {
$showU = array();
$showA = array();
$uppermodules = 0;
$bottommodules = 0;
if(is_active_sidebar(‘user5’)) {$showU[0] = “‘c1′”;$bottommodules++;}
if(is_active_sidebar(‘user6’)) {$showU[1] = “‘c2′”;$bottommodules++;}
if(is_active_sidebar(‘user7’)) {$showU[2] = “‘c3′”;$bottommodules++;}
if(is_active_sidebar(‘user8’)) {$showU[3] = “‘c4′”;$bottommodules++;}
if(is_active_sidebar(‘advert1’)) {$showA[0] = “‘c5′”;$uppermodules++;}
if(is_active_sidebar(‘advert2’)) {$showA[1] = “‘c6′”;$uppermodules++;}
if(is_active_sidebar(‘advert3’)) {$showA[2] = “‘c7′”;$uppermodules++;}
if(is_active_sidebar(‘advert4’)) {$showA[3] = “‘c8′”;$uppermodules++;}
<?php if($bottommodules) { ?>
BoxHeights.equalise(<?php echo join(“,”,$showU); ?>);
<?php } ?>
<?php if($uppermodules) { ?>
BoxHeights.equalise(<?php echo join(“,”,$showA); ?>);
<?php } ?>
Thank you Mark