Theme content area
Theme: JKreativ
and AAPL doesn’t work.4. make sure your theme has the content area wrapped in a tag such as a DIV with an id attribute called “content”. (data within this div will be replaced with AJAX content). SEE THEME GUIDE IN FAQ.
So this is the template I use to create build with Visual Composer but I don’t know where to put the <div> tag:
<?php /** Template Name: Landing Page Builder - Visual Composer */ get_header(); if ( ! post_password_required() ) { $navobj = jeg_get_navigation_setup(); $bottomnav = 0; $bottomnavclass = ''; if(vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.bottom_menu', 0) == 1 && $navobj['navpos'] === 'top') { $bottomnav = 1; $bottomnavclass = 'bottomnav'; } ?> <div class="headermenu"> <?php jeg_get_template_part('template/rightheader'); ?> </div> <!-- headermenu --> <div class="landingpagewrapper <?php echo $bottomnavclass; ?>"> <div class="contentheaderspace"></div> <section data-id="up-page" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;"> </section> <?php /****** * build heading page **/ $headingtype = vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_type'); switch ($headingtype) { case 'slider': $sliderid = vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_slider'); $slidertype = vp_metabox('jkreativ_slider_setting.slider_type', null, $sliderid); if($slidertype == 'fulltextslider') { jeg_get_template_part('template/landing/section-heading-slider-fulltext'); } else if ($slidertype == 'splitslider') { jeg_get_template_part('template/landing/section-heading-slider-split'); } else if($slidertype == 'parallaxslider') { jeg_get_template_part('template/landing/section-heading-parallax-slider'); } break; case 'parallaxheading': $uselight = ( vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.light_heading') == 1 ) ? 'light' : ''; $coverbg = ( vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.cover_parallax_background') == '1' ) ? 'cover' : 'auto' ; $backgroundimage = jeg_get_image_attachment ( vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.heading_background') ); $overlaybgimage = "<div class='parallaxoverlay' style='background-color: " . vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.overlay_color') . ";'></div>"; ?> <section class="nomargin nopadding headingparallax <?php echo $uselight ?>"> <div class="bgholder"> <div class="bgitem" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $backgroundimage ?>'); background-size: <?php echo $coverbg ?>"></div> </div> <?php echo $overlaybgimage ?> <div class="sectioncontainer sectionheading parallaxtext"> <div class="span6"> <h2><?php echo vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.first_text_heading'); ?></h2> <span><?php echo vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.second_text_heading'); ?></span> </div> </div> </section> <?php break; case 'shortcode': $fscontainer = !vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_shortcode_fullscreen') ? '' : 'fs-container '; echo "<section id='slidershortcode' class='". $fscontainer ."nomargin nopadding'>" . vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_shortcode') . "</section>"; break; case 'noheading': default: break; } ?> <?php if(vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.bottom_menu', 0) == 1 && $navobj['navpos'] === 'top') { echo "<div class='landing-bottom-nav'><div class='landing-bottom-space'></div>"; jeg_get_template_part('template/navigation', 'top'); echo "</div>"; } ?> <?php the_post(); the_content(); ?> <?php if(vp_option('joption.enable_footer_landing') && !vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.disable_landing_footer')) : ?> <div class="section-footer"> <div class="landing-footer"> <div class="sectioncontainer"> <?php jeg_get_template_part('template/landing-footer'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="landing-btm-footer"> <div class="sectioncontainer"> <div class="landing-footer-copyright"> <?php echo vp_option('joption.website_copyright', '? Jegtheme 2013. All Rights Reserved.'); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php if(vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.enable_landingnav', '1') === '1') : ?> <div class="landing-navigator <?php echo vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.landingnav_type', 'default') ?>"> <ul> <?php global $sectionnavigator; foreach($sectionnavigator as $secid => $section) { if(!empty($section['section_name'])) { ?> <li data-for="<?php echo jeg_to_slug($section['section_id']) ?>" data-title="<?php echo $section['section_name'] ?>"> <div class="navigator-block-fill"></div> </li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div> <?php endif; ?> <script> (function($) { $(document).ready(function() { $(".landingpagewrapper").jnormalblog(); $(".landingpagewrapper").jlanding(); }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } else { jeg_get_template_part('template/password-form'); } get_footer(); ?>
Hope you can help me out.
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