• antonshevchuk


    My new theme for WordPress is a Constructor.
    This is really constructor – you can change fonts, colors, background images etc (see screenshot on my blog (russian)).

    TODO List:

    1. change footer text (ver. 0.2)
    2. export settings (ver. 0.2)
    3. localization for Ukrainian
    4. slideshow with post content (like in some “premium” themes)

    If you want any other feature – reply to this topic…

    P.S. Sorry for my english

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  • Anton,

    Great work! With some minor tweaks, I’m really enjoying the Contructor theme. I have a question though… I run the plugin Sociable. The image links for sending items to Twitter, Facebook, etc. are underlined with dotted underlining. I can’t figure out the tweak to remove those underlines. On other sites, the Sociable plugin does not produce the underlines. My site here: https://tbottle.com.


    Hi Anton,

    Just want to add my words of appreciation to the numerous already on here, it’s a great theme and has to be one of the best I’ve come across. It certainly fits my needs better than any others I’ve found.

    I had planned to send a word of appreciation alone but also have a problem..sorry.

    I am trying to make the homepage static, and post blogs to a different page. I have found this question in a web search but haven’t seen an associated answer. The blog address is https://www.mothstudios.com.au

    Best regards


    Hi Anton

    Your theme is absolutely great, thank you! I have, however, got a problem with the sidebar not showing in IE or Safari (I have the latest versions).

    I built the site using Firefox, and it works fine in that.

    Any ideas?!

    Thank you ??


    hi together
    wow, this theme rules! great work anton…!

    I would like to ask you how I can remove a menu link in the navigation bar. Especially the “Categories” menu link should dissappear.

    Thank you in advance,

    Hi Anton

    I wanted to add to the congratulations. Your theme is absolutely great, thank you very much!

    I am also having trouble with the sidebar appearing three times as large in IE as it does in firefox (I have the latest version installed as well). You can see it here – https://www.durhamresidentialrentals.com/?cat=3



    Hi Anton,

    I’m a big fan of your theme! Thank you so much!

    I’ve got the same question as Flo/dreitagsfliege, is there an answer for that?

    Kind regards,

    Hi Anton

    Like the others here I love your theme and the more I use it, the more I uncover great features.

    However, just when I’ve built it all to look shiny and new in Chrome, I go ahead and check it in IE and the drop-down menus on the header do not display properly. They are all different sizes and you can’t click on ones that come further down the list. As I want people to be able to view my site in all browsers, this is obviously a big problem. However, I really don’t want to have to use a different theme as I love Constructor.

    Is there a known conflict with IE and if so, is there a way to fix it? Thanks so much for your help, my site is at https://www.romanticshortbreak.co.uk/

    Thread Starter antonshevchuk


    Add new rule on CSS settings:
    .sociablefirst a {border:0 !important;}

    Please post URL to your blog

    @dreitagsfliege & lindsay.van.herk:
    Use widgets for build navigation bar and setup any name (or type one space ” “, if you want)

    @qdsouza & todayist:
    What version of IE are you using? I test yours sites in IE8 – all ok

    Hi Anton-

    Thanks for the great theme!

    I recently upgraded to the newest version of the Constructor theme. Before I did that I had used this little snipet of code you put up in my CSS tab to eliminate the Auto Indent that the theme comes with:
    /* text indent of all paragraph */
    .hentry .entry p{
    text-indent:0px !important;

    Now it isn’t working. Do you have any suggestions on how I can stop it from Auto Indenting every paragraph?

    Thanks much,


    Great, thanks for your support!

    I like to ask you if there is a way to use a global avatar/profil image? I am using mingle and I uploaded there a avatar, is it possible to use this mingle avatar globally on the wordpress?

    I also have the newest edition of this theme and two issues:
    1) i can’t space out paragraphs, after I hit enter in the text editor nothing happens.
    2) how can I translate this theme to my language – I translated the .mo and .po files and uploaded them on the server but there are no changes?

    love the theme anton – 1 question:

    how do you make the image in the slideshow link to the post from which it came?

    my site is https://nickcoman.com

    thanks so much,

    actually 2 additional questions: how does one change the slideshow speed? and can one make the text box at the bottom of the slideshow clickable as well?


    This problem was already raised here by todayist. Drop-down menus does not work in IE7 (and probably IE6).
    You can look here for example https://www.romanticshortbreak.co.uk/
    Any ideas?

    The problem occurs in IE6, and probably IE & as well.

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