• My new theme for WordPress is a Constructor.
    This is really constructor – you can change fonts, colors, background images etc (see screenshot on my blog (russian)).

    TODO List:

    1. change footer text (ver. 0.2)
    2. export settings (ver. 0.2)
    3. localization for Ukrainian
    4. slideshow with post content (like in some “premium” themes)

    If you want any other feature – reply to this topic…

    P.S. Sorry for my english

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  • sorry to ask such a dumb question about the header image movement… (figured it out immediately) but i really am having major trouble ungrouping my categories to make proper pulldown menus

    Thread Starter antonshevchuk


    @nacoman I fixed this is issue in new version (need approving from admins)

    ok, got the slideshow now to work, thanks, great theme!

    Hey Anton, I’m having trouble with the bylines on my posts. On the main page, it looks like the date only shows up on the newest post and disappears on the posts after that. Maybe it is only putting the date on one post per day (I post several times a day)? Can you help out? Thanks! Love the theme.

    We are really loving this theme, ease of use…. however I am having a peculiar result when attempting to use Events Calendar. the posts are not showing I have the same problem in both Wp calendar, and events calendar. adds a tag ie…https://www.cityoflapwai.com/info/postname…
    any ideas would be appreciated.

    I love everything about constructor, except the blockquote format.

    How do you change this?

    Hey, great theme. Was wondering how to remove the “Pages” heading in the sidebar widget so that only the page links show up without the pages title above.

    And also how to change the font size and remove the dotted underline on the Page titles.


    Thread Starter antonshevchuk


    @joel Margolis
    You can use widget “Pages” without title (or empty title like ” “)
    For remove dotted underline use CSS tab on customize page:

    # remove line
    .hentry .title a, .hentry .title span {
        border-bottom:0 !important;
    # change to small black line
    .hentry .title a, .hentry .title span {
        border-bottom:1px solid #000000 !important;

    For more CSS hooks go to FAQ page https://code.google.com/p/wp-constructor/wiki/ConstructorFaq

    Great Theme Anton! I have one question that hopefully you or someone here can help me out with. When I add a Category to my Header Widget and rename it, how do I change it from saying “News”. And once I change it and give it the appropriate address, can I add more links to this menu drop down?

    Thanks in advance,

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