• Resolved patrice06


    Hello from France,

    I made a theme child for my WordPress blog, and it runs fine . . . except one thing:

    I need to make a change in inc/template-tags.php, so I did it and put the new template-tags.php in a new directory inc created in folder of my theme child.

    Unfortunately, the new file is not read.

    Can you help me, please?
    Thanks in advance.

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    What specifically do you want to change?

    Thread Starter patrice06


    Messages in english in template-tags.php (leave a comment and Edit)

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Add this to your Child Theme functions.php file and modify its content to what you want:

    	 * Prints HTML with meta information for the categories, tags and comments.
    	function education_hub_entry_footer() {
    		// Hide category and tag text for pages.
    		if ( 'post' === get_post_type() ) {
    			/* Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma. */
    			$categories_list = get_the_category_list( esc_html__( ', ', 'education-hub' ) );
    			if ( $categories_list && education_hub_categorized_blog() ) {
    				printf( '<span class="cat-links">%1$s</span>', $categories_list ); // WPCS: XSS OK.
    			/* Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma. */
    			$tags_list = get_the_tag_list( '', esc_html__( ', ', 'education-hub' ) );
    			if ( $tags_list ) {
    				printf( '<span class="tags-links">%1$s</span>', $tags_list ); // WPCS: XSS OK.
    		if ( ! is_single() && ! post_password_required() && ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) ) {
    			echo '<span class="comments-link">';
    			comments_popup_link( esc_html__( 'Leave a comment', 'education-hub' ), esc_html__( '1 Comment', 'education-hub' ), esc_html__( '% Comments', 'education-hub' ) );
    			echo '</span>';
    		edit_post_link( esc_html__( 'Edit', 'education-hub' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' );
    Thread Starter patrice06


    Absolutely PERFECT ! !
    Thank you so much for your help.

    Have a nice day.

    Thread Starter patrice06


    Hi Andrew,
    sorry to bother you, another time, but I have another English term to translate from search.php.
    It’s about line 18 –> Search Results for: (I have to translate into: Resultats pour).
    I tried to copy the lines to my new functions.php in my child theme, but, always got errors php.
    Could you help me, please.
    Thank you so much.

    Thread Starter patrice06


    OK, I solve my problem.
    Thirst, I bought pro version of education-hub. Inside, there is a file for translation, education-hub.pot.
    Then, with poedit, I translate what I need and poedit created 2 files .po and .mo.
    Then I copied these files in wp-content/languages/themes/.
    That’s all.
    Hope it helps

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