• i wanna assign that class <img class="image1"/> to this function "the_post_thumbnail();" how can i do that anyone can help me?

Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
  • One way could be to overwrite the function. You do this by copying the function from wp core, into your theme functions.php file, and do any changes you need in there. WP is smart enough to then use your fuction rater than the build in one..

    But another way and probably much better would be to just target the images based on something else than a class. You can target an html element on any of it’s attributes in css..
    Would that be a better way to go.?

    you can add a css class, however, the method described in the Codex will replace the existing ones:

    you can add a css class, however, the method described in the Codex will replace the existing ones:

    if your theme uses the default css classes of the thumbnail, please post a link to your site.

    Thread Starter sakbudak


    i have to use inside thumbnails function <img> tag’s class
    how can i do that ?

    Thread Starter sakbudak


    i did assign to <div> class but didn’t work because <img> class using javascript

    Can you post how the html output looks? Perhaps I can come up with a css target for you ??

    Thread Starter sakbudak


    I want to use code Demo 1



    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" >
    <div id="image">
    <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>

    I want to use <img class=”image1″>

    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" >
    <div id="image"><img class="image1">
    <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>

    works in single.php but not working index.php thumbnails :S

    Thread Starter sakbudak


    it s working like that

    <img id="image1" border="0" src="test-image.jpg" style="width:250px;height:338px">

    The thing is, that you can target an img tag even without having a class on that image tag itself.

    So we could say, Images within the div tag with ID=image like so:

    #image img {}

    OR we can go deeper so we say that images within the image div which have an attribute SRC which starts with test-

    In this case you will get the images with an imagename of test- something.

    #image img[src^=”test-“]{}

    Makes sense ?

    If you can post a link to the specific page of your site where you have the problem, it would be easier to help ??

    Thread Starter sakbudak


    i want it on my main page’s images ; link

    index.php ;

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id="main">
    <!--Content Start-->
    <div id="content">
      <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <div class="content-box">
    	<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" >
    	<div id="image">
    <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
        <div id="paragraf">
          <h1><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
            <?php the_title(); ?>
          <?php echo substr(strip_tags($post->post_content), 27, 200); echo "...";?> </div>
        <div id="button"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/izle_buton.png" alt="izle" border="0" /></a></div>
        <div class="clear"></div>
      <div class="comment_info">
        <div id="yazar_tarih"><strong>Yazar:</strong>
          <?php the_author(', ') ?>
          | <strong>Tarih: </strong>
          <?php the_time('j F Y') ?>
        <div id="rating"> <?php if(function_exists('the_ratings')) { the_ratings(); } ?> </div>
      <?php endwhile; ?>
      <?php else : ?>
      <h3>Bir?ey Bulunamad?</h3>
      <p>üzgünüz, arad???n?z ?ey bulunamad?.</p>
      <?php endif; ?>
    <!--Content End-->
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div id="navi">
      <div id="navi_inner">
        <?php wp_pagenavi(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    header.php call js;

    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/js/multizoom.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/js/multizoom.css" type="text/css" />

    post-thumbnail-template.php ;

    function get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_id = null, $size = 'post-thumbnail', $attr = '' ) {
    	$post_id = ( null === $post_id ) ? get_the_ID() : $post_id;
    	$post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id );
    	$size = apply_filters( 'post_thumbnail_size', $size );
    	if ( $post_thumbnail_id ) {
    		do_action( 'begin_fetch_post_thumbnail_html', $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $size ); // for "Just In Time" filtering of all of wp_get_attachment_image()'s filters
    		if ( in_the_loop() )
    		$html = wp_get_attachment_image( $post_thumbnail_id, $size, false, $attr );
    		do_action( 'end_fetch_post_thumbnail_html', $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $size );
    	} else {
    		$html = '';
    	return apply_filters( 'post_thumbnail_html', $html, $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $size, $attr );


    Zoomer (w/ adjustable power) (included)
    /member.php?u=2033) to show optional "magnifying lens" while over thumbnail image.
    // March 1st, 2011: Script updated to v1.51. Minor improvements to inner workings of script.
    // July 9th, 12': Script updated to v1.5.1, which fixes mouse wheel issue with script when used with a more recent version of jQuery.
    // Nov 5th, 2012: Unofficial update to v1.5.1m for integration with multi-zoom (adds multiple images to be zoomed via thumbnail activated image swapping)
    // Nov 28th, 2012: Version 2.1 w/Multi Zoom, updates - new features and bug fixes
    var featuredimagezoomer = { // the two options for Featured Image Zoomer:
    	loadinggif: 'spinningred.gif', // full path or URL to "loading" gif
    	magnifycursor: 'crosshair' // value for CSS's 'cursor' property when over the zoomable image
    	//////////////// No Need To Edit Beyond Here ////////////////
    	$('head').append('<style type="text/css">.featuredimagezoomerhidden {visibility: hidden!important;}</style>');
    	$.fn.multizoomhide = function(){
    		return $('<style type="text/css">' + this.selector + ' {visibility: hidden;}<\/style>').appendTo('head');
    	$.fn.addmultizoom = function(options){
    		var indoptions = {largeimage: options.largeimage}, $imgObj = $(options.imgObj + ':not(".thumbs")'),
    		$descArea = $(options.descArea), first = true, splitre = /, ?/;
    		options = $.extend({
    				speed: 'slow',
    				initzoomablefade: true,
    				zoomablefade: true
    			}, options);
    		function loadfunction(){
    			var lnk = this, styleobj1 = {}, styleobj2 = {}, $nim, lnkd, lnkt, lnko, w, h;
    			if((lnkd = lnk.getAttribute('data-dims'))){
    				lnkd = lnkd.split(splitre);
    				w = lnkd[0]; h = lnkd[1];
    			$(new Image()).error(function(){
    				if(lnk.tagName && !options.notmulti){
    					alert("Error: I couldn't find the image:\n\n" + lnk.href + ((lnkt = lnk.getAttribute('data-title'))? '\n\n"' + lnkt + '"' : ''));
    					if((lnko = $imgObj.data('last-trigger'))){
    						first = true;
    				var opacity = $imgObj.css('opacity'), combinedoptions = {}, $parent;
    				if(isNaN(opacity)){opacity = 1;}
    				if(options.notmulti || !indoptions.largeimage){
    					w = options.width || $imgObj.width(); h = options.height || $imgObj.height();
    				$imgObj.attr('src', this.src).css({width: w || options.width || this.width, height: (h = +(h || options.height || this.height))});
    				if($imgObj.data('added')) {$imgObj.data('added').remove()};
    				$imgObj.data('last-trigger', lnk);
    				if(options.imagevertcenter){styleobj1 = {top: ($imgObj.parent().innerHeight() - h) / 2};}
    				$imgObj.css(styleobj1).addimagezoom($.extend(combinedoptions, options, indoptions))
    					.data('added', $('.magnifyarea:last' + (combinedoptions.cursorshade? ', .cursorshade:last' : '') + ', .zoomstatus:last, .zoomtracker:last'));
    					$('.magnifyarea:last').css({marginTop: (h - $('.magnifyarea:last').height()) / 2});
    					$parent = $imgObj.parent();
    					styleobj2 = {left: $parent.offset().left + ($parent.outerWidth() - $parent.width()) / 2, top: h + $imgObj.offset().top};
    				} else {
    					$descArea.css(styleobj2).empty().append(lnk.getAttribute('data-title') || '');
    				if(+opacity < 1){$imgObj.add($descArea).animate({opacity: 1}, options.speed);}
    			}).attr('src', $imgObj.data('src'));
    			var src = $imgObj.attr('src'), ms, zr, cs, opacityObj = {opacity: 0};
    			if(!first && (src === this.href || src === this.getAttribute('href'))){return;}
    			if(first && !options.initzoomablefade || !options.zoomablefade){opacityObj = {};}
    			first = false;
    			indoptions.largeimage = this.getAttribute('data-large') || options.largeimage || '';
    			if(indoptions.largeimage === 'none'){indoptions.largeimage = '';}
    			if((ms = this.getAttribute('data-magsize')) || options.magnifiersize){
    				indoptions.magnifiersize = (ms? ms.split(splitre) : '') || options.magnifiersize;
    			} else {delete indoptions.magnifiersize;}
    			indoptions.zoomrange = ((zr = this.getAttribute('data-zoomrange'))? (zr = zr.split(splitre)) : '') || options.zoomrange || '';
    			if(zr){zr[0] = +zr[0]; zr[1] = +zr[1];}
    			indoptions.cursorshade = ((cs = this.getAttribute('data-lens'))? cs : '') || options.cursorshade || '';
    			if(cs){indoptions.cursorshade = eval(cs);}
    			$imgObj.data('added') &&
    				$imgObj.stop(true, true).data('added').not('.zoomtracker').remove().end()
    					.css({background: 'url(' + featuredimagezoomer.loadinggif + ') center no-repeat'});
    			$imgObj.css($.extend({visibility: 'visible'}, ($imgObj.data('added')? options.zoomablefade? {opacity: 0.25} : opacityObj : opacityObj))).data('src', this.href);
    			$descArea.css($.extend({visibility: 'visible'}, opacityObj));
    		return this;
    	// Featured Image Zoomer main code:
    	$.extend(featuredimagezoomer, {
    		dsetting: { //default settings
    				magnifierpos: 'right',
    				magnifiersize:[200, 200],
    				cursorshadecolor: '#fff',
    				cursorshadeopacity: 0.3,
    				cursorshadeborder: '1px solid black',
    				cursorshade: false,
    				leftoffset: 15, //offsets here are used (added to) the width of the magnifyarea when
    				rightoffset: 10 //calculating space requirements and to position it visa vis any drop shadow
    		isie: (function(){/*@cc_on @*//*@if(@_jscript_version >= 5)return true;@end @*/return false;})(), //is this IE?
    		showimage: function($tracker, $mag, showstatus){
    			var specs=$tracker.data('specs'), d=specs.magpos, fiz=this;
    			var coords=$tracker.data('specs').coords //get coords of tracker (from upper corner of document)
    			specs.windimensions={w:$(window).width(), h:$(window).height()}; //remember window dimensions
    			var magcoords={} //object to store coords magnifier DIV should move to
    			magcoords.left = coords.left + (d === 'left'? -specs.magsize.w - specs.lo : $tracker.width() + specs.ro);
    			//switch sides for magnifiers that don't have enough room to display on the right if there's room on the left:
    			if(d!=='left' && magcoords.left + specs.magsize.w + specs.lo >= specs.windimensions.w && coords.left - specs.magsize.w >= specs.lo){
    				magcoords.left = coords.left - specs.magsize.w - specs.lo;
    			} else if(d==='left' && magcoords.left < specs.ro) { //if there's no room on the left, move to the right
    				magcoords.left = coords.left + $tracker.width() + specs.ro;
    			$mag.css({left: magcoords.left, top:coords.top}).show(); //position magnifier DIV on page
    			specs.$statusdiv.html('Current Zoom: '+specs.curpower+'<div style="font-size:80%">Use Mouse Wheel to Zoom In/Out</div>');
    			if (showstatus) //show status DIV? (only when a range of zoom is defined)
    				fiz.showstatusdiv(specs, 400, 2000);
    		hideimage: function($tracker, $mag, showstatus){
    			var specs=$tracker.data('specs');
    			if (showstatus)
    		showstatusdiv: function(specs, fadedur, showdur){
    			specs.$statusdiv.css({visibility: 'visible'}).fadeIn(fadedur) //show status div
    			specs.statustimer=setTimeout(function(){featuredimagezoomer.hidestatusdiv(specs)}, showdur) //hide status div after delay
    		hidestatusdiv: function(specs){
    			specs.$statusdiv.stop(true, true).hide()
    		getboundary: function(b, val, specs){ //function to set x and y boundaries magnified image can move to (moved outside moveimage for efficiency)
    			if (b=="left"){
    				var rb=-specs.imagesize.w*specs.curpower+specs.magsize.w
    				return (val>0)? 0 : (val<rb)? rb : val
    				var tb=-specs.imagesize.h*specs.curpower+specs.magsize.h
    				return (val>0)? 0 : (val<tb)? tb : val
    		moveimage: function($tracker, $maginner, $cursorshade, e){
    			var specs=$tracker.data('specs'), csw = Math.round(specs.magsize.w/specs.curpower), csh = Math.round(specs.magsize.h/specs.curpower),
    			csb = specs.csborder, fiz = this, imgcoords=specs.coords, pagex=(e.pageX || specs.lastpagex), pagey=(e.pageY || specs.lastpagey),
    			x=pagex-imgcoords.left, y=pagey-imgcoords.top;
    			$cursorshade.css({ // keep shaded area sized and positioned proportionately to area being magnified
    				visibility: '',
    				width: csw,
    				height: csh,
    				top: Math.min(specs.imagesize.h-csh-csb, Math.max(0, y-(csb+csh)/2)) + imgcoords.top,
    				left: Math.min(specs.imagesize.w-csw-csb, Math.max(0, x-(csb+csw)/2)) + imgcoords.left
    			var newx=-x*specs.curpower+specs.magsize.w/2 //calculate x coord to move enlarged image
    			var newy=-y*specs.curpower+specs.magsize.h/2
    			$maginner.css({left:fiz.getboundary('left', newx, specs), top:fiz.getboundary('top', newy, specs)})
    			specs.$statusdiv.css({left:pagex-10, top:pagey+20})
    			specs.lastpagex=pagex //cache last pagex value (either e.pageX or lastpagex), as FF1.5 returns undefined for e.pageX for "DOMMouseScroll" event
    		magnifyimage: function($tracker, e, zoomrange){
    			if (!e.detail && !e.wheelDelta){e = e.originalEvent;}
    			var delta=e.detail? e.detail*(-120) : e.wheelDelta //delta returns +120 when wheel is scrolled up, -120 when scrolled down
    			var zoomdir=(delta<=-120)? "out" : "in"
    			var specs=$tracker.data('specs')
    			var magnifier=specs.magnifier, od=specs.imagesize, power=specs.curpower
    			var newpower=(zoomdir=="in")? Math.min(power+1, zoomrange[1]) : Math.max(power-1, zoomrange[0]) //get new power
    			var nd=[od.w*newpower, od.h*newpower] //calculate dimensions of new enlarged image within magnifier
    			magnifier.$image.css({width:nd[0], height:nd[1]})
    			specs.curpower=newpower //set current power to new power after magnification
    			specs.$statusdiv.html('Current Zoom: '+specs.curpower)
    			this.showstatusdiv(specs, 0, 500)
    		highestzindex: function($img){
    			var z = 0, $els = $img.parents().add($img), elz;
    				elz = $(this).css('zIndex');
    				elz = isNaN(elz)? 0 : +elz;
    				z = Math.max(z, elz);
    			return z;
    		init: function($img, options){
    			var setting=$.extend({}, this.dsetting, options), w = $img.width(), h = $img.height(), o = $img.offset(),
    			fiz = this, $tracker, $cursorshade, $statusdiv, $magnifier, lastpage = {pageX: 0, pageY: 0},
    			basezindex = setting.zIndex || this.highestzindex($img);
    			if(h === 0 || w === 0){
    				$(new Image()).load(function(){
    					featuredimagezoomer.init($img, options);
    				}).attr('src', $img.attr('src'));
    			$img.css({visibility: 'visible'});
    			setting.largeimage = setting.largeimage || $img.get(0).src;
    			$magnifier=$('<div class="magnifyarea" style="position:absolute;z-index:'+basezindex+';width:'+setting.magnifiersize[0]+'px;height:'+setting.magnifiersize[1]+'px;left:-10000px;top:-10000px;visibility:hidden;overflow:hidden;border:1px solid black;" />')
    				.append('<div style="position:relative;left:0;top:0;z-index:'+basezindex+';" />')
    				.appendTo(document.body) //create magnifier container
    			//following lines - create featured image zoomer divs, and absolutely positioned them for placement over the thumbnail and each other:
    				$cursorshade = $('<div class="cursorshade" style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index:'+basezindex+';" />')
    					.css({border: setting.cursorshadeborder, opacity: setting.cursorshadeopacity, backgroundColor: setting.cursorshadecolor})
    			} else {
    				$cursorshade = $('<div />'); //dummy shade div to satisfy $tracker.data('specs')
    			$statusdiv = $('<div class="zoomstatus preloadevt" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;left:0;top:0;z-index:'+basezindex+';" />')
    				.html('<img src="'+this.loadinggif+'" />')
    				.appendTo(document.body); //create DIV to show "loading" gif/ "Current Zoom" info
    			$tracker = $('<div class="zoomtracker" style="cursor:progress;position:absolute;z-index:'+basezindex+';left:'+o.left+'px;top:'+o.top+'px;height:'+h+'px;width:'+w+'px;" />')
    				.css({backgroundImage: (this.isie? 'url(cannotbe)' : 'none')})
    			$(window).bind('load resize', function(){ //in case resizing the window repostions the image or description
    					var o = $img.offset(), $parent;
    					$tracker.css({left: o.left, top: o.top});
    					if(options.descpos && options.descArea){
    						$parent = $img.parent();
    						$(options.descArea).css({left: $parent.offset().left + ($parent.outerWidth() - $parent.width()) / 2, top: $img.height() + o.top});
    			function getspecs($maginner, $bigimage){ //get specs function
    				var magsize={w:$magnifier.width(), h:$magnifier.height()}
    				var imagesize={w:w, h:h}
    				var power=(setting.zoomrange)? setting.zoomrange[0] : ($bigimage.width()/w).toFixed(5)
    				$tracker.data('specs', {
    					$statusdiv: $statusdiv,
    					statustimer: null,
    					magnifier: {$outer:$magnifier, $inner:$maginner, $image:$bigimage},
    					magsize: magsize,
    					magpos: setting.magnifierpos,
    					imagesize: imagesize,
    					curpower: power,
    					coords: getcoords(),
    					csborder: $cursorshade.outerWidth(),
    					lo: setting.leftoffset,
    					ro: setting.rightoffset
    			function getcoords(){ //get coords of thumb image function
    				var offset=$tracker.offset() //get image's tracker div's offset from document
    				return {left:offset.left, top:offset.top}
    						$tracker.data('premouseout', false);
    						$tracker.data('premouseout', true);
    				}).mousemove(function(e){ //save tracker mouse position for initial magnifier appearance, if needed
    					lastpage.pageX = e.pageX;
    					lastpage.pageY = e.pageY;
    			$tracker.one('mouseover', function(e){
    				var $maginner=$magnifier.find('div:eq(0)')
    				var $bigimage=$('<img src="'+setting.largeimage+'"/>').appendTo($maginner)
    				var largeloaded = featuredimagezoomer.loaded[$('<a href="'+setting.largeimage+'"></a>').get(0).href];
    				var showstatus=setting.zoomrange && setting.zoomrange[1]>setting.zoomrange[0]
    				var imgcoords=getcoords()
    					$img.stop(true, true).css({opacity:0.1}) //"dim" image while large image is loading
    					$statusdiv.css({left:imgcoords.left+w/2-$statusdiv.width()/2, top:imgcoords.top+h/2-$statusdiv.height()/2, visibility:'visible'})
    				$bigimage.bind('loadevt', function(event, e){ //magnified image ONLOAD event function (to be triggered later)
    					if(e.type === 'error'){
    						$img.css({opacity: 1}).data('added').remove();
    						var src = $('<a href="' + $bigimage.attr('src') + '"></a>').get(0).href;
    						if(window.console && console.error){
    							console.error('Cannot find Featured Image Zoomer larger image: ' + src);
    						} else {
    							alert('Cannot find Featured Image Zoomer larger image:\n\n' + src);
    					featuredimagezoomer.loaded[this.src] = true;
    					$img.css({opacity:1}) //restore thumb image opacity
    					$statusdiv.empty().css({border:'1px solid black', background:'#C0C0C0', padding:'4px', font:'bold 13px Arial', opacity:0.8}).hide().removeClass('preloadevt');
    					if (setting.zoomrange){ //if set large image to a specific power
    						var nd=[w*setting.zoomrange[0], h*setting.zoomrange[0]] //calculate dimensions of new enlarged image
    						$bigimage.css({width:nd[0], height:nd[1]})
    					getspecs($maginner, $bigimage) //remember various info about thumbnail and magnifier
    					$magnifier.css({display:'none', visibility:'visible'})
    					$tracker.mouseover(function(e){ //image onmouseover
    						$tracker.data('specs').coords=getcoords() //refresh image coords (from upper left edge of document)
    						fiz.showimage($tracker, $magnifier, showstatus)
    					$tracker.mousemove(function(e){ //image onmousemove
    						fiz.moveimage($tracker, $maginner, $cursorshade, e)
    					if (!$tracker.data('premouseout')){
    						fiz.showimage($tracker, $magnifier, showstatus);
    						fiz.moveimage($tracker, $maginner, $cursorshade, lastpage);
    					$tracker.mouseout(function(e){ //image onmouseout
    						fiz.hideimage($tracker, $magnifier, showstatus)
    					}).css({cursor: fiz.magnifycursor});
    					if (setting.zoomrange && setting.zoomrange[1]>setting.zoomrange[0]){ //if zoom range enabled
    						$tracker.bind('DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', function(e){
    							fiz.magnifyimage($tracker, e, setting.zoomrange);
    					} else if(setting.disablewheel){
    						$tracker.bind('DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', function(e){e.preventDefault();});
    				})	//end $bigimage onload
    				if ($bigimage.get(0).complete){ //if image has already loaded (account for IE, Opera not firing onload event if so)
    					$bigimage.trigger('loadevt', {type: 'load'})
    					$bigimage.bind('load error', function(e){$bigimage.trigger('loadevt', e)})
    		iname: (function(){var itag = $('<img />'), iname = itag.get(0).tagName; itag.remove(); return iname;})(),
    		loaded: {},
    		hashre: /^#/
    	$.fn.addimagezoom = function(options){
    		var sel = this.selector, $thumbs = $(sel.replace(featuredimagezoomer.hashre, '.') + '.thumbs a');
    		options = options || {};
    		if(options.multizoom !== null && ($thumbs).size()){
    			$thumbs.addmultizoom($.extend(options, {imgObj: sel, multizoom: null}));
    			return this;
    		} else if(options.multizoom){
    			$(options.multizoom).addmultizoom($.extend(options, {imgObj: sel, multizoom: null}));
    			return this;
    		} else if (options.multizoom !== null){
    			return this.each(function(){
    				if (this.tagName !== featuredimagezoomer.iname)
    					return true; //skip to next matched element
    				$('<a href="' + this.src + '"></a>').addmultizoom($.extend(options, {imgObj: sel, multizoom: null, notmulti: true}));
    		return this.each(function(){ //return jQuery obj
    			if (this.tagName !== featuredimagezoomer.iname)
    				return true; //skip to next matched element
    			featuredimagezoomer.init($(this), options);


    .magnifyarea { /* CSS to add shadow to magnified image. Optional */
    	box-shadow: 5px 5px 7px #818181;
    	-webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 7px #818181;
    	-moz-box-shadow: 5px 5px 7px #818181;
    	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropShadow(color=#818181, offX=5, offY=5, positive=true);
    	background: white;
    .targetarea { /* CSS for container div(s) of the zoomable image */
    	width: 325px; /* wide or wider than the widest zoomable image */
    	height: 338px; /* high or higher than the tallest zoomable image */
    #two { /* Added CSS for second target div of zoomable images */
    	height: 243px; /* high or higher than the tallest zoomable image */
    .targetarea img { /* zoomable image */
    	margin: auto; /* for horizontal centering */
    	display: block; /* also for horizontal centering */
    	position: relative; /* along with on the fly calculations in script, for vertical centering */
    	border-width: 0;
    .thumbs { /* divs holding the trigger links - styles optional, used here to center their links below their respective zoomable image */
    	padding-top: 25px;
    	width: 325px;
    	text-align: center;
    .thumbs a { /* trigger links on the thumbnail images */
    	text-decoration: none; /* avoid underlines of images, text or spaces in these links */
    .thumbs img { /* trigger images - the thumbnails used to load new zoomable images into the targetarea */
    	border-width: 0; /* avoid default borders in some browsers */
    #description, #description2 {
    	position: absolute; /* required for description folows image bottom (descpos: true) */
    	width: 325px; /* should be width of zoomable image container (.targetarea) */
    	text-align: center;
    	font: bold 95% sans-serif;
    	margin-top: 3px; /* when following image bottom, this sets a fixed distance for that */
    	color: #222;
    	background-color: #fff;

    ok, so when I look at your site – i see 2 classes on the thumbnails:


    those aren’t good enough ?

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