Hi Iban,
I’m sorry that you’re having difficulty with the plugin and that you feel that way. In the month and a half that you’ve been using the plugin, we’ve assisted you with various issues, including when that menu on your site was overlapping our inquiry cart area, setting up the default layout, removing the additional information tab, fixing the heights of your thumbnails, setting up the inquiry cart and other styling elements.
With many messages back and forth, we’ve helped you through every single issue you have faced and to get your product catalog up and running the way you wanted.
With all of that in mind, I do not believe it is fair to say we treated you like a fool. We’ve been cordial and responsive in the over 30 emails we’ve exchanged with each other.
We understand that you would like the feature to be able to specify quantities for each item in the inquiry cart and that, unfortunately, there is currently no way to do that. While we’d like to implement every feature request that we receive, unfortunately our availability and resources are limited and, as such, we have to assess which new feature suggestions we can implement based on numerous factors, including the number of times something has been requested, how difficult it would be to implement, the order in which features were requested, etc.
Because of this, we let you know that it would be unlikely that we’d be able to implement your quantity request in the near future. This doesn’t mean we don’t think it’s a good idea or that we don’t want to implement it. It just means that we won’t be able to in the near future.
It isn’t fair to say that our support is horrible because we won’t be able to implement that feature soon. We’re always there to help, as you know from all our previous messages.