Your site has been minimized to “over 9000” and looking at the source code I have a hard time seeing the WordPress in it. How would you expect an automated process to do that in the showcase submission form?
*Has coffee, coffee is good*
The Showcase is a curated list of sites and just being a large WordPress site isn’t enough to get listed there. It’s a showcase not a list of all WordPress sites.
]]>For example:
<!-- End Google Tag Manager for WordPress by -->
Can you help us somehow or add us manually?
]]>By default, WordPress adds this to the head of every generated page:
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 5.1" />
Some people remove that. To be detectable: Don’t remove it. Turn off whatever code you have that removes it.
We have other ways of detection, but this is the simplest one. And if you’ve gone to the trouble to hide the fact that you’re using WordPress so much that we can’t detect it in a few simple ways, then why would we showcase it?
]]>If you can not advice me otherwise, nothing can be done.
]]>Hiding your version is not a valid security technique.
]]>It’s a myth that someone probing a WordPress site with a script will check for a WordPress version or even select targets for that attack based on some search engine hits. That’s not how it works; they probe for vulnerable code.
BTW your site is running WordPress 4.9.9 and thank you for keeping your site up to date in that branch. Yes, I got that off your site. You’re not hiding anything.