• james_ylisela


    Hello All,

    The company video blog @ https://dssimonvlogviews.com has recently been upgraded from to 2.7.1 and I find that I can no longer make columns of jpegs the way I used to (i.e. easy.)I can’t align them neatly in rows like I did in the last version. Can I do this using the visual editor or does it have to done using html? Can someone please help?

    And also, does the importance of the “visual” editor itself decrease with this upgrade? The code that I add to each posts gets mangled when switching back between html and visual. Is there a solution to this as well? Let me know, thanks!


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  • justixia


    Finally someone posting this issue here, this release is buggy as hell, my visual editor is just blank, If I write into it I can’t see what i’m writing and if I switch back from HTML to VISUAL it mess up and display the visual as it is html, very confusing…

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