• This is message:
    The uploaded file could not be moved to /www/gsicm2craiova.licee.edu.ro/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/2010/03.
    Why?? Every time will add a new button, i request this message.
    Help me ??!!

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  • Probably the following thread will be helpful to resolve this:


    My website runs WordPress 2.9.2.
    Had this problem for days and could not find solutions until now.
    The link Accuwebhosting provided is a good start.
    Anyway this is how I did it.

    Use FTP app to do these
    1. change chmod of folder “wp-content” to 777.
    2. create a new folder named “media” to replace the “uploads” folder.
    3. upload all folders and files under “uploads” to “media”

    Do these with your browser
    4. change “Store uploads in this folder” (admin -> settings -> miscellaneous) to “wp-content/media” and click save
    5. try to upload something and it actually work!

    Use FTP app to do this
    6. change chmod of the folder “wp-content” back to 755.

    Do these with your browser
    7. go back to “admin -> Media” and confirm that I can upload something without seeing that annoying message again.
    8. I kept the “uploads” folder. Guess I do not want to risk loosing old file links I made on my old posts.

    I guess you can just create a folder with some name you like under “wp-content” instead of trying so hard to keep using the “uploads” folder for your uploaded files.

    Hope this help some users get the Media function to work.

    This worked for me after two tries. First I tried creating a new folder called uploads2 but even with setting permissions at 777 for both that directory and the parent wp-content, it still would not upload images. So I created a directory called media and set permissions for 777 and this time it worked. Go figure!
    I tried setting permissions back down to 755 but it wouldn’t work.
    maybe this all has something to do with the elimination of the .htaccess file from the basic installation?

    B e a u t i fullll.
    I have been mucking around with this “situation” for a night and a day.
    My system/host does not allow the 777 to be set back to 755, I don’t care – it works !!
    What I had to do as well was to un-tick the box ‘Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders‘ in the SETTINGS -> MISCELLANEOUS.

    On my search through this forum I also came across a couple solutions that worked for others :
    ? Creating the UPLOAD folder at the server admin platform instead of the FTP client.
    ? Setting the link in full (SETTINGS -> MISCELLANEOUS)

    If you have tried all of the methods listed in the forums and still can’t get your uploads to work, don’t panic. You are NOT crazy.

    I opened a support ticket with my hosting company and asked them to check my permissions, etc. They replied:

    I’ve updated your website’s upload_tmp_directory directive in your PHP.INI file, and your uploads should now work correctly.

    Problem solved.

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