The upload files path has an alias?
Hello there,
i’m having a strange problem with wordpress, the files I upload via Media Library seems to have a path alias, and don’t know why!
if i upload a file .pdf via media library the path, according to media library if i click on that file, is wp-content/uploads/year/month/filename.pdf and this is ok.
If i copy and paste this url in the browser i reach the file normally.BUT, if i open a post and i use the “add link” to hyperlink a word with the PDF, using media library in the post window, it links me the path like /file/year/month/filename.pdf
If i copy this last url in the browser it works! like an alias, but really can’t understand why this happen.
Also, via FTP, this folder does not exist.I recently upgraded wordpress to the last version and all the plugins and theme, something is wrong with some plugins or something went wrong during the localhost to web passage?
(in the localhost version the path is wp-content/uploads/year/month/filename.pdf, what is changed in this passage is only the begin of the URL https://localhost/ ->
I checked also the .htaccess file, but can’t understand if there is an alias configured for that.
Anyone saw something like this and can give me some suggestions?
Thank you.
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