• As of now, the tree expands when clicked on the + button.

    I’m just wondering how can I get the tree to expand when the link to the right of + is clicked while showing the contents of the links.

    I also checked out https://silpstream.com/blog (Christopher Hwang’ site)which does not seem to have this problem.

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  • This is very strange indeed. The tree data is obviously there, but document.write doesn’t output anything. Not in IE nor Firefox – I haven’t seen anything like it before.

    What platform are you hosted on? Windows or *nix?

    For good measure – try deleting the entire plugin folder and replace it with a fresh set of files. The javascript seems fine but you never know…

    Try running one of the previous versions and see if any of them work.

    Server is running on Debian. WP I’ve hosted on https://www.3host.biz free acc for testing purpose. (They seems to have problems with server. I am having difficulties with UL and DEL files there.)
    I did like you told me. It seems that nothing changed at all. Still waiting for response from 3host.com admin >_<

    Keep us posted please.

    I am not good on coding and schstff. I did followed your instructions. Well this plugin is superb, but on my page it’s not working. I just have to live rough ??



    I am using Debian etch with wordpress 2.3.3 and wp-dtree 3.3.2. I have the same problem like that of auris. The trees do not expand after clicking “open all”. Perhaps this is a problem with Debian package because wordpress 2.3 is still an “unstable” package?

    Yea, i can’t get it to work either, i have a custom header.php so when i read this post i added
    <script type="text/JavaScript" src="https://your.blog.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree.php?witheff=true&amp;eff=blind&amp;effdur=0.5&amp;trunc=16" language="javascript"></script>

    to header.php and it loadedwithout an issue, it was when i went to expand a link it spat out an error of something undefined on line 354 of the dtree.php

    wp 2.5 btw…

    I’m having the same problem, not able to expand when using “Enable scriptaculous effects”. I’ve sort of zoomed down my problem to activation of another plugin, Flickr Manager v2.0.4.

    Any advise>


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