• As of now, the tree expands when clicked on the + button.

    I’m just wondering how can I get the tree to expand when the link to the right of + is clicked while showing the contents of the links.

    I also checked out https://silpstream.com/blog (Christopher Hwang’ site)which does not seem to have this problem.

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  • Turn ′Open To Selection′ on in the WP-dTree options page.

    My tree won’t expand at all (+ button or links) now that I updated from 3.1 to 3.2.

    Do I need to fix something in the wp_tree_cache table?

    1. Did you make sure to disable the previous version before upgrading?

    2. Make sure List posts are turned on in WP-dTree Settings-page.

    >2. Make sure List posts are turned on in WP-dTree Settings-page.

    That did it. I had turned it off before running it once with List posts on. After the tree expanded with all posts, I changed the settings back to posts off and seems to be working now.

    Thanks! …and thanks for all your recent hard work on this great plugin!

    I have one other question: I’d like to use your plugin strictly for categories, but I plan to have an awful lot in three category/subcategory levels: First(7 total)> Second(250 total)> Third(1000 total). Do you think the tree is capable of handling that many without a major slow down?

    The current (as of ten minutes ago) version of wp-dtree implements a counter that can tell you how much data makes up your tree. Check your page source and you’ll see something like <!-- cat tree: xxxxxxx chars. -->

    Now, I’ve already got plans for the next release that’ll drastically cut down on the size of the tree’s. Primarly by removing a lot of currently redundant data and moving some of tree generation code to javascript.

    It’s a lot of work though and the week have only so many days, if you know what I mean. ??

    I spoke too soon! It appears Enable scriptaculous effects isn’t working…when enabled, the tree will not expand.

    Well. What version of WP are you running? Make sure the scriptacolous library is avaliable at wp-includes/js/scriptaculous/.

    It’s working well for me on WP2.3, IE6 and Firefox.

    2.3 WP…but I am using the wp-scriptaculous plugin. Should we be on a new version?

    Solved, I had the wp-scriptaculous plugin activated from an earlier wp-tree version. Deactivating it solved the problem. Thx, now get back to work on that new version! ??

    The new and improved WP-dTree is done. Please consider helping me improve (and continue to help you), by buying me a used book.

    Hello. My tree won’t expand at all too.. all I see is open all | close all . Here is a screenshot of my WP-dTree Settings -> screenshot
    IE shows Error: dTree is undefined.
    I want to make my tree look like on this page link
    I am using this plugin like on the page mentioned above. Do I need extra plugins to get it work? I have latest versions of WP & WP-dTree.
    Sorry for my bad English.

    auris – can you link us to your site?

    Check your page source – see if the dtree javascript is correctly linked in. You’re looking for something like:

    <script type="text/JavaScript" src="https://your.blog.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree.php?witheff=true&amp;eff=blind&amp;effdur=0.5&amp;trunc=16" language="javascript"></script>

    here is a link to my WP Link

    Try switching to the default theme and tell me if anything changes.

    Still the same. Should I make sure if I didn’t missed something to switch on <…> anything particular? B.t.w. my skype nickname is on site. I feel guilty for posting short and noobish replies in this topic ?? I Thank you for helping me out.

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