The theme is clean and refreshing, I really like it!
This topic is very suitable for my content website, the only regret is that the summary in the search results cannot be a fragment of keywords, and can only be 100 characters long. I hope to receive a solution or guidance on how to modify it?
Hi zhongxiyi, thanks for your feedback!
I’m not really sure that I understand your question. The summary of the search results is like the excerpt. I think is generated by WordPress the same way for all themes.
In case of the DualTone theme, the search results are showed according to the search template which includes the Default Loop template part, which contains a Query Loop which contains a Excerpt block. It ‘s configured to include 61 words but you could customize it to your liking.
Let me know if you have any further question and I will do my best to help you.
This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by
David Ballarin Prunera.
This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by
David Ballarin Prunera.
Thank you very much for your reply. You may have misunderstood my meaning.
What I am looking forward to is extracting the keyword section of the full text in the search results.
The keyword I searched for is’ HI ‘. When searching for the full text, on the search results page, besides the title, the content below should be’ FGHIJK ‘,
It is a partial excerpt from the entire text
I don’t know how to express myself, can you understand?
Sincerely looking forward to your reply.
Our theme is the best!
Hi zhongxiyi,
Sorry, I now understand. You want to highlight the search results, right? This is an interesting functionallity , I think you may find several plugins that perform this operation in different ways. Here is an example: Tomorrow I will try it on my demo site and let you know.
But, even with it, you could end up with a result that has not the keyword in the excerpt or in the title. The search functionality is implemented by WordPress, and as any functionality, it’s better not to modify it in a theme. It’s better to use a plugin.
I think there are a lot of plugins that may try to improve this. Relevanssi is a well know plugin that does it.
And now, with AI assisted tools you may even find better search tools like the one in the Seth Godin’s page
If you have more questions feel free to ask.
Firstly, thank you very much for your reply!
I have tried other topics before, and after searching, AI told me a very interesting piece of code,
function custom_excerpt_for_search($excerpt, $post_obj) {
if (is_search()) {
// 获取文章的全文
$full_text = strip_tags($post_obj->post_content);
// 搜索关键字
$search_terms = explode(' ', get_query_var('s'));
// 循环搜索关键字并截取包含关键字的文本
foreach ($search_terms as $term) {
$text_to_search = $full_text;
$pos = stripos($text_to_search, $term);
if ($pos !== false) {
// 截取关键字周围的文本,这里可以根据需要调整长度
$excerpt = substr($text_to_search, $pos - 50, 100);
break; // 只截取第一个关键字匹配的内容
return $excerpt;
add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'custom_excerpt_for_search', 10, 2);Add this code to functions.php,
The function I need will be implemented in other themes.
I really like the style of your theme, but unfortunately, the number of words presented in your theme is very small, and sometimes individual searches do not show any content.
I compared it and it’s possible that the structure is different from other themes.
I hope the code I provided can be helpful to you!
Make your theme better and better! Let more people fall in love with it.
Hi zhongxiyi,
The DualTone is a block editor theme, it’s a little different from classical themes. I do not know if this is the difference you noticed.
Since its a block theme all templates may be customized, including the search template, and changing the excerpt by the content block or changing the excerpt block settings would add more words.
Your function will probably achieve the results you need. I will do the changes and if it looks good I’ll publish and update of the theme.
Thanks so much for your comments.
If you really achieve the functionality I need, that would be perfect!
Your reply is very timely and the explanation is very thorough!
Thumbs of both hands raised for you!
Looking forward to the update of the new version!
Wishing your theme continued excellence! Make more people fall in love with it!
Sincere comment from medical enthusiasts: Chiu
Hi zhongxiyi,
The code provided did actually work well, but I have not included in functions of the DualTone because it’s a functionality that may be needed using another theme.
So I created a small plugin that does it. I modified the size of the excerpt so that it displays the 50 characters before the keyword and 350 characters after. You can download the plugin from here: Custom Search Excerpt plugin. Then upload the zip file in you site and activate it.
Hope it works for you. An improvement that I would like to do is highlight the keyword in the excerpt, but for the moment I just created the plugin as is.
Best regards,
This code actually cannot display the results properly in your theme,
I don’t know where the problem lies.
So please help review the code again.
I am using Chinese, is it related to this?
I hope you can help me solve the problem and reply to me,
Thank you.I have tried and it works. But, just in case I have replaced the standard string functions with multibyte functions to make sure it’s compatible with chinese characters.
You can download the new version of the plugin here: custom search excerpt
To make sure it works for you, ensure that: The database is set to UTF-8 (WordPress does this by default).
Now it is running perfectly,
Thank you very much for having such an excellent theme!
Your reply really makes me happy!
You are such an excellent developer!Encountering another problem, as you said,
I used it This plugin,
When searching for a certain keyword and encountering page flipping, the second page will not be highlighted,
I hope you will continue to work hard to check and optimize the theme,
Thank you for your efforts!
Hi zhongxiyi,
You should contact the developer of the theme you are mentioning.
Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate
I meant the developer of the plugin, sorry for the error.
This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by
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