• Resolved niznotthewiz


    On the Home page, I am using two shortcodes

    1. Cart – [woocommerce_cart] – to display the cart on the Homepage and on the Cart page.

    This is exactly the same shortcode that I’m using on the Cart page here : https://melaniesbanknotevault.com/


    When items are added from anywhere in the shop, those items should be identically displayed in both – the Cart page as well Cart section displayed on the Home page.

    The strange thing is – When you try to remove any items from the Cart page https://melaniesbanknotevault.com/cart/, the item is successfully removed and cart is updated immediately.

    But if you try to remove any item from the Cart that is displayed on the Homepage, then the item is removed but the page does not update till you manually refresh the page. This is a problem.

    2. Checkout – [woocommerce_checkout] – to display the checkout option on the Home page.

    Checkout seems to work fine here https://melaniesbanknotevault.com/checkout/

    All the options such as “Click here to login” and “click here to enter your code” are available.

    But those same options redirect to https://melaniesbanknotevault.com/# when accessed on the Checkout section on the Home page. Why?

    Why are these two short codes behaving/malfunctioning when used in identical fashion on two different pages?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello niznotthewiz,

    Thank you for contacting WooCommerce support.

    I visited the homepage but didn’t see the Cart or Checkout sections, even though I had items in my cart.

    Could you share some screenshots of the Cart and Checkout sections on the Home page so I can better visualize the problem?

    Let’s start with the screenshots, and from there, I can offer more specific advice.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter niznotthewiz


    Hello Zubair,

    I had removed those two items because they were not functioning as intended as I mentioned in my earlier post. But I have enable them again. You should be able to replicate all the errors if you visit the website now.

    I can’t possibly capture how the items in cart (displayed on the Homepage) require a manual refresh to update after clicking on “x”.

    But here are the two screenshots how the “login” and “coupon” both redirect to https://melaniesbanknotevault.com/# from the Checkout option displayed on the Homepage. You can see the re-direct url’s on the bottom left of the screenshots.




    Plugin Support EastOfWest a11n


    Hi @niznotthewiz – that’s a very interesting setup you have! I’ve never tried this myself, so ran a few tests to see how it might be possible to have both the cart and checkout on the same page in addition to the usual pages. Alas, WooCommerce is not designed to work in this way (by default).

    While the short-codes can be added to any page, the pages that they’re added to do need to be designated via WooCommerce Page Setup to make them fully functional, so they’re not stand-alone in that respect. And you can only designate one page at a time. That said, I also tried designating the same page as the cart and checkout page, but that too didn’t work 100%. Even the cart and checkout blocks, while promising, didn’t fully deliver.

    Your best best bet to achieve a functional page with both the cart and checkout on the same page, is with the the WooCommerce One Page Checkout extension. Have a look at the documentation for how it works and what you can achieve with it.

    I hope that points you in the right direction and offers you a workable solution. Let us know how it works out.

      Plugin Support EastOfWest a11n


      We haven’t heard from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this thread as resolved. If you need help with anything else, please feel free to start another thread.

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