The same licence key can activate all my Prodcts
I wonder if i’m missing something about activating products.
I send this Post from
Dim postData = “slm_action=slm_activate&” & licenceKey & “®istered_domain=” & domainname & “&item_reference=” & ProductNameI get this in return: {“result”:”success”,”message”:”License key activated”}
But the strange thing is that the same licence key get activated on every product I have.
The customer can buy a 1$ licence, and activate a 1000$ product.
There seem to be no procuct controll in the activation function in Software Licence Manager.I’ve searched other post and could see other people implementing product controll by them self, but should not this be in the official release also?
I also read, but I dont find the logic behind “item_reference” well explained.
Hope there is a simple solution to this as the rest of this software is working well.- This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by supermagna.
Hi, did you read the following documentation? This should help you understand how the plugin functions. After reading this documentation it provides a link to the next topic. By following these topics you should get an idea of how to set up a license for each individual product.
You might also like to check the following support thread. They asked a similar question like yours.
Let me know if you need more assistant.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by mbrsolution.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by mbrsolution.
So the answer to my question is that there is no product control by default…
But I made it work thanks to cristiscu
I modified the code to react on product name instead of id in Unique Transaction ID.
Added this code to bottom of theme’s functions.php
//check product name on the activation/deactivation of a license key //original from add_action('slm_api_listener_slm_activate', 'check_license_and_product_on_slm' ); add_action('slm_api_listener_slm_deactivate', 'check_license_and_product_on_slm' ); function check_license_and_product_on_slm() { if (isset($_REQUEST['product_id'])) { $post_prod_name = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['product_id'])); $key = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['license_key'])); global $wpdb; $tbl_name = SLM_TBL_LICENSE_KEYS; //find dbrow where licence code is. $sql_prep1 = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE license_key = %s", $key); $retLic = $wpdb->get_row($sql_prep1, OBJECT); //get Unique Transaction ID (Easy Digital Downloads + EDD Software License Manager gives:"023 - Demo Product"). $txn_product_name = $retLic->txn_id; //get product name from Unique Transaction ID. $txn_product_name = substr($txn_product_name,strpos($txn_product_name," - ")+3); //uncomment for debug. //$args = (array('result' => 'debug', 'message' => $txn_product_name . " + " . $post_prod_name)); //SLM_API_Utility::output_api_response($args); //send error if transaction product name is not POST product name. if ($retLic && $txn_product_name != $post_prod_name) { $args = (array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'Your license key was not issued for this product')); SLM_API_Utility::output_api_response($args); } } }
When your client app appends a
&product_id=Wordpress Licence Manager v2
at the end of the query string, a check will be performed and the query fails if the key was actually issued for another product.
Thanks to cristiscu.- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by supermagna.
I am happy to see that you have resolved your issue. Thank you for sharing your solution. I am sure this will help others with the same or similar question as you.
Can you mark this support thread as resolved if you don’t need any more help.
Thank you
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by mbrsolution.
I made this code as a plugin, so that I dont have to edit the themes functions.php any more.
What the code do is:
Find ‘txn_id’ in database related to requested ‘license_key’.
Find ‘txn_product_name’ from ‘txn_id’.
If ‘txn_product_name’ is not equal to requested ‘product_id’ an error is returned.
Here is the plugin link.
slm-product-control-v2.1.zipThat is nice of you to share. I am sure others will use your plugin.
Kind regards
Just want to update to v2.2. To prevent Deactivation with random code.
This is a plugin file software-licence-manager-product-control.php<?php /* Plugin Name: Software License Manager - Product control Plugin URI: Description: Software Licence Manager plugin, who check product name, when &product_id= is in activaton/deactivation querry. I v2.1 Splitting with explode ' - '. To find App name after the Unique Transaction ID eks. '23 - Demo Product - variable price option'. I v2.2 Avoid deactivating licence with random licence code. Version: v2.2 Author: Per Emil S Author URI: License: License URI: */ //Software Licence Manager //check product name on the activation/deactivation of a license key //original from add_action('slm_api_listener_slm_activate', 'check_license_and_product_on_slm' ); add_action('slm_api_listener_slm_deactivate', 'check_license_and_product_on_slm' ); function check_license_and_product_on_slm() { if (isset($_REQUEST['product_id'])) { $post_prod_name = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['product_id'])); $key = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['license_key'])); global $wpdb; $tbl_name = SLM_TBL_LICENSE_KEYS; //find dbrow where licence code is. $sql_prep1 = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE license_key = %s", $key); $retLic = $wpdb->get_row($sql_prep1, OBJECT); //get Unique Transaction ID from SLM(Easy Digital Downloads + EDD Software License Manager gives:"023 - Demo Product - variable price option"). $txn_product_name = $retLic->txn_id; //get product name from Unique Transaction ID. //$$txn_product_name = '20 - Arrow'; list($explode_id, $explode_name, $explode_option) = explode(" - ", $txn_product_name); //uncomment for debug. //$args = (array('result' => 'debug', 'message' => 'explode_name: ' . $explode_name . " + product_id: " . $product_id)); //SLM_API_Utility::output_api_response($args); //v2.2: Prevent deactivation with random code. if ($retLic){ //db row funnet med lisens kode //send error if transaction product name is not POST product name. if ($explode_name != $post_prod_name) { //produkt navn for kode okke lik vedlagt produkt navn $args = (array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'Your license key was not issued for this product')); SLM_API_Utility::output_api_response($args); } //if go past her, then its ok. (no error) } else{ //no db row found for licence code $args = (array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'License code unknown')); SLM_API_Utility::output_api_response($args); } } }
Hello !
I’m not a php coder, so i need your help please.
I just installed the Software License Manager plugin and i want to protect my Theme.
How to edit this code ? I should add to the header.php of the my protected theme?
<?php // very first line $license = get_option('settings_license'); // see: $ruri = $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['REQUEST_URI']; if(!preg_match("#wp-admin#", $ruri) && $license["valid"] != "true") { wp_die( __('This website uses unlicensed software.<br>Administrators can update their license key <a href="'. get_bloginfo('url') .'/wp-admin/admin.php?page=myadminpage.php">here</a>.') ); } ?>
I need this code also in my wordpress theme ?
<?php /* Plugin Name: Sample Plugin Version: v1.0 Plugin URI: Author: Tips and Tricks HQ Author URI: Description: Sample plugin to show you how you can interact with the software license manager API from your WordPress plugin or theme */ // This is the secret key for API authentication. You configured it in the settings menu of the license manager plugin. define('YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY', '5421048138b321.90068894'); //Rename this constant name so it is specific to your plugin or theme. // This is the URL where API query request will be sent to. This should be the URL of the site where you have installed the main license manager plugin. Get this value from the integration help page. define('YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL', 'https://localhost/wp/wp3-beta-testing'); //Rename this constant name so it is specific to your plugin or theme. // This is a value that will be recorded in the license manager data so you can identify licenses for this item/product. define('YOUR_ITEM_REFERENCE', 'My First Plugin'); //Rename this constant name so it is specific to your plugin or theme. add_action('admin_menu', 'slm_sample_license_menu'); function slm_sample_license_menu() { add_options_page('Sample License Activation Menu', 'Sample License', 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'sample_license_management_page'); } function sample_license_management_page() { echo '<div class="wrap">'; echo '<h2>Sample License Management</h2>'; /*** License activate button was clicked ***/ if (isset($_REQUEST['activate_license'])) { $license_key = $_REQUEST['sample_license_key']; // API query parameters $api_params = array( 'slm_action' => 'slm_activate', 'secret_key' => YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY, 'license_key' => $license_key, 'registered_domain' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'item_reference' => urlencode(YOUR_ITEM_REFERENCE), ); // Send query to the license manager server $query = esc_url_raw(add_query_arg($api_params, YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL)); $response = wp_remote_get($query, array('timeout' => 20, 'sslverify' => false)); // Check for error in the response if (is_wp_error($response)){ echo "Unexpected Error! The query returned with an error."; } //var_dump($response);//uncomment it if you want to look at the full response // License data. $license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); // TODO - Do something with it. //var_dump($license_data);//uncomment it to look at the data if($license_data->result == 'success'){//Success was returned for the license activation //Uncomment the followng line to see the message that returned from the license server echo '<br />The following message was returned from the server: '.$license_data->message; //Save the license key in the options table update_option('sample_license_key', $license_key); } else{ //Show error to the user. Probably entered incorrect license key. //Uncomment the followng line to see the message that returned from the license server echo '<br />The following message was returned from the server: '.$license_data->message; } } /*** End of license activation ***/ /*** License activate button was clicked ***/ if (isset($_REQUEST['deactivate_license'])) { $license_key = $_REQUEST['sample_license_key']; // API query parameters $api_params = array( 'slm_action' => 'slm_deactivate', 'secret_key' => YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY, 'license_key' => $license_key, 'registered_domain' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'item_reference' => urlencode(YOUR_ITEM_REFERENCE), ); // Send query to the license manager server $query = esc_url_raw(add_query_arg($api_params, YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL)); $response = wp_remote_get($query, array('timeout' => 20, 'sslverify' => false)); // Check for error in the response if (is_wp_error($response)){ echo "Unexpected Error! The query returned with an error."; } //var_dump($response);//uncomment it if you want to look at the full response // License data. $license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); // TODO - Do something with it. //var_dump($license_data);//uncomment it to look at the data if($license_data->result == 'success'){//Success was returned for the license activation //Uncomment the followng line to see the message that returned from the license server echo '<br />The following message was returned from the server: '.$license_data->message; //Remove the licensse key from the options table. It will need to be activated again. update_option('sample_license_key', ''); } else{ //Show error to the user. Probably entered incorrect license key. //Uncomment the followng line to see the message that returned from the license server echo '<br />The following message was returned from the server: '.$license_data->message; } } /*** End of sample license deactivation ***/ ?> <p>Please enter the license key for this product to activate it. You were given a license key when you purchased this item.</p> <form action="" method="post"> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th style="width:100px;"><label for="sample_license_key">License Key</label></th> <td ><input class="regular-text" type="text" id="sample_license_key" name="sample_license_key" value="<?php echo get_option('sample_license_key'); ?>" ></td> </tr> </table> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" name="activate_license" value="Activate" class="button-primary" /> <input type="submit" name="deactivate_license" value="Deactivate" class="button" /> </p> </form> <?php echo '</div>'; }
@kitzu, this thread is marked as resolved. Please start a new support thread.
Thank you
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