• I have a site where I am not able to save the settings pages, as it says The requested URL /wp-admin/options-general.php was not found on this server.

    The site it installed to domain.com/blog

    and this is what it shows in the settings page for site address and wordpress address.

    But when I try to save any of the settings pages, it is removing the /blog from the URL when submititng the form, thus causing the error.

    I have tried re-saving the premalinks, and that page works fine. Its just the other settings pages.

    I have checked the .htaccess file, and this also seems correct and has the /blog/ path in the rules There are no other redirects anywhere.

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  • Anonymous User 20287723



    I hate to state the obvious, but can you confirm that the file yourwebsite.com/wp-admin/options-general.php exists on your server?

    Sometimes WP installations get corrupted during install, and files are missing. That seems to be what WP is telling you in the error message. If you don’t find the file there, or if maybe the file is empty (0kb), re-load the file onto your server, or ask your host to help you with this.

    Thread Starter lordsnake


    they’re are no WordPress files exist at all at that location, because it’s the wrong url, as mentioned above.

    Anonymous User 20287723


    OK, gotcha, that wasn’t clear and still isn’t.

    But – can you confirm there is a file called “options-general.php” in the domain.com/blog/wp-admin/ folder? Or whatever domain your WP is installed at, such as: domain.com/wp-admin/

    That file must be there, or of course you’re going to get that error. That error is telling you exactly what is wrong. Please confirm that file is there where your WP is installed so we can continue.

    Thread Starter lordsnake


    ok it turns out this is more complicated that I thought,
    the primary site domain.com is hosted with host1
    but domain.com/blog is actually hosted elsewhere and it looks like the requests for doamin.com/blog are being proxied by by host1 to host2

    so on the sevrer, wordpress is in fact installed to the public_html folder, and yes, all the files do exist.
    but the issue is still the same, when saving the settings, wordpress is for some reason changing the URL from https://mydomain.com/blog/wp-admin/options-general.php

    which is why it is fialing, a sthat request doesn’t get proxied and is thys trying to load the file form the wrong place.

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