• in version 1.0.18 you have introduced a change that ‘removes’ the publish button in gutenberg – we find it very confusing to editors as it changes common habits, and the cases we require to change a post status is less frequent – than we actually need publish (which is almost 99% of the times)

    I would like to suggest the following changes:
    – Leave the button Publish as it use to be
    – Gutenberg already have a ‘save as draft’ so it is redundent to save as draft by default ( if none status was selected in the status selectbox )
    – When you create a post if the status is: none – than just leave wordpress do its own, and have it published ( if requires also with the publish sidebar – after all there are plugins that extend the publish sidebar that help alot in promoting content)
    – if the user have selected a different status in the selectbox, only than change the text of the button using javascript from Publish to Save

    or enable some hooks or configuration page so the admin can determine if they wish this new features of draft as default ( if none selected ) and the removal of publish button & sidebar publish

    we are currently rollback to previous versions since it is very confusing.

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  • Thread Starter Ido Kobelkowsky


    and finally, i usually do ?? , thanks for the great plugin!

    Plugin Author Felix W.


    Hi @idokd

    I can understand that it confuses you, however it has confused others the other way around, so no solution can please everyone. I will consider the option of a hook in the next release, so that you can decide for example via functions.php in your theme whether the sidebar in Gutenberg should be disabled or not and whether the handling of the buttons in Gutenberg should be interfered with.

    I had not considered that other plugins extend the sidebar in Gutenberg, so it makes sense to be able to disable the changes by my plugin optionally.

    As soon as I have implemented a solution to this I will report here in the thread.

    Thanks for your detailed feedback and that you use the plugin.

    Greetings Felix

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