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  • Plugin Support Delicious Brains Support


    Hi Rookie,

    WP Migrate Support Team here. Thanks for reaching out with your query, we would be happy to assist!

    You mentioned that you were performing a Push migration. Do you have an active license for WP Migrate? If so, kindly send us a ticket by using the Email Support form on the Help tab of WP Migrate. Please also link this thread to your ticket.

    Looking forward to your response!

    Thread Starter Rookie


    it’s the developer agency’s license so don’t have access to support. Just wanted to share it directly with you that this error appear.

    That this plugin doesn’t work with custom wp sub folder installation to migrate wp files. Plus cause errors on the step to push files due to custom wp content directory which is t very uncommon to change via wp-config.

    two big issues that should be addressed.

    Plugin Support Delicious Brains Support


    Hi @alriksson,

    Thanks for the response!

    That this plugin doesn’t work with custom wp sub folder installation to migrate wp files.

    WP Migrate supports migrations to/from WordPress installations where WordPress core is installed in a subdirectory of the same name on both sites.

    Could you please check the following doc if the migration you’re trying is not supported:

    Plus cause errors on the step to push files due to custom wp content directory which is t very uncommon to change via wp-config.

    WP Migrate should be able to migrate files with a custom wp-content directory. Could you please check if the version of the plugin you have is atleast 2.6.0 which is when this bug was fixed?

    it’s the developer agency’s license so don’t have access to support. Just wanted to share it directly with you that this error appear.

    You can grant support access to your email by following this guide:

    1. Login to My Account
    2. Click on the Licenses tab
    3. Click on the Support tab under your license
    4. Click the Update link under the “Support Access” heading
    5. Add your email address
    6. Click the Save Changes button

    You don’t need to update the main account email address or your billing email address.

    If the migration you’re trying to do is supported and you have the latest version of the plugin, we’ll have to investigate this further and using the support form on the Help Tab of the plugin would be ideal.

    Thread Starter Rookie


    WP Migrate supports migrations to/from WordPress installations where WordPress core is installed in a subdirectory of the same name on both sites.

    Could you please check the following doc if the migration you’re trying is not supported:

    Yes that was correct. But it failed before it go that far and this is not relevant as it fails upon download zip and then if you select include wordpress core it fails to make a backup, so its not related to push/pull.

    WP Migrate should be able to migrate files with a custom wp-content directory. Could you please check if the version of the plugin you have is atleast 2.6.0 which is when this bug was fixed?

    Yes got latest and that is not the same issue though. “Defining the UPLOADS constant with a location outside of wp-content no longer causes an error when migrating files”

    I’ve not redefined uploads folder I’ve renamed the wp-content folder like so:

    define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname(dirname(FILE)) . '/wp-something/content-folder');
    define('WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/wp-something/content-folder');

    You can grant support access to your email by following this guide:

    Asked them but not sure they want that I just shared here on the side as I will use other plugin instead then.

    Other I also found the find and replace annoying that it doesn’t have some filters. As if I want to rename wp db tables and replace wp_table with wp_something_table it scans through everything and you cant hit it. It would be good with an option as it common you want to change due to various or reasons but all you want is to update wp db related tables not everything that contains wp_* meaning you only want to touch relevant tables. In this case the find and replace is a bit cumbersome and wp cli or sql is better. So would be good with a predefined setting for it and it wont touch other tables.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Rookie.
    Plugin Support Delicious Brains Support


    Hi @alriksson,

    Thanks for the additional information. We apologize for the issue you are experiencing with WP Migrate.

    May I know if your debug.log file is active? If not, can you try editing your wp-config.php file on both servers to replace this line –

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );

    With these lines –

    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false);

    This will cause all runtime errors, warnings, and notices to be written to /wp-content/debug.log, which will hopefully yield some better information about what’s going on.

    Can you try the export again where experienced the issue? Then kindly check for any relevant errors in the debug.log file.

    More details about that at

    Once we have finished troubleshooting you should revert that config change and delete the debug.log file.

    Regarding the table prefixes, we will forward this to our dev team so that they can log it as a feature request. Just to confirm, you want a filter that allows users to skip some tables whenever WP Migrate runs the prefix changes?

    Thread Starter Rookie


    I did and I already shared the issue that was related to the plugin.

    [21-Nov-2023 11:01:03 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /class/Common/Queue/QueueHelper.php on line 107

    But I would suggest you set up a local environment with your local by flywheel and do as my example and then try to export with a WordPress folder. And try to push to production where media files fail due to the renamed content directory. It doesn’t need extreme troubleshooting here.

    Regarding the table prefixes, we will forward this to our dev team so that they can log it as a feature request. Just to confirm, you want a filter that allows users to skip some tables whenever WP Migrate runs the prefix changes?

    No I want it to be a pre defined setup where it can be “rename wp table prefix” which do what you want. Meaning only rename relevant things related to when you change wp-prefic on an existing installation.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Rookie.
    Plugin Support Delicious Brains Support


    Hi @alriksson,

    We tested moving core to a subdir and moving?wp-content? both of these resulted in successful exports.

    The one thing we did notice, is that the way you suggested to change the location of wp-content throws an error.

    This is what we added:

    define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/other-content/content' );
    define('WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://moved-content.local/other-content/content');

    Thread Starter Rookie


    Exports only and push/pull also worked? With renaming of wp-content folder?

    What error does it throw? Did you also rename or move the content inside the wp-content folder to the new content folder? So, does it match the structure and name/s?

    Plugin Support Delicious Brains Support


    Hi Rookie,

    Exports worked, as well as push and pull. The only lines logged in the debug.log file were the lines for when WP Migrate initiates and completes the process. No errors were logged.

    Below is a sample diagnostics from my local site:

    If you need further assistance, since you mentioned that you are on a developer agency license, kindly email us at [email protected]. Please also add the link to this thread in your email, so that we know it’s a continuation of our discussion.

    Please also provide the license key when you email us, so that our Billing team can verify the account. There may be some delay especially during the holiday season, but we monitor regularly our support inbox for subscribed customers.

    Looking forward to your response!

    Thread Starter Rookie


    Sounds very strange to me. What hosting did you push it to live? And did you push it to:

    Be in a folder of another site like earlier explainer:
    /applications/dujduolpqs/public_html/wordpress-sub/content folder for example

    As in public_html there is another wp installation.

    So you confirm you can push to a production site which above and push with images and wordpress files? Not sure how to tell you to reproduce as I just did it again locally.

    I fails when doing pull/push for images, I can run export but not push and pull.

    I cannot select wordpress in the export or pull/push then it fails as earlier explained:

    So want to make sure you tested everything here on your end and not just export and not just without or with wordpress files.

    I don’t see the license, as it’s the agency dev’s license, so I cannot send it. I’m just contributing by sending issues I found.

    Plugin Support Delicious Brains Support


    Hi @alriksson,

    “What hosting did you push it to live?”
    — I was using my MAMP local install to push and pull between 2 local sites.

    In order for us to provide better assistance with you about this, you may also send us a request by using the Email Support form on the Help tab of WP Migrate.

    Looking forward to your message.

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