The podPress upgrade is not complete
Getting the following notice:
Notice: The podPress upgrade is not complete. Please, go to the General Settings page of podPress to finish this process manually.
When I go the the General settings Page I get the following:
Upgrade of the data base table: wp_podpress_stats
What is the reason for this upgrade?
Some of the podPress versions since 8.8.10 have stored the download statistic results in some cases (if the file names contain reserved URL characters) with wrong encoded names in the data base. For instance: A file name with such reserved characters is podcast(nr1).mp3. It was possible that podPress had created an entry for podcast(nr1).mp3 (with the brackets as they are) and one entry with a different encoding mechanism: podcast%28nr1%29.mp3. The problem is that only one of these entries would show up on the statistic result pages. But this upgrade will correct the entries in the wp_podpress_statcounts and wp_podpress_stats tables.
How it works and what you need to do
(The statistic feature is deativated while this dialog is open.)
The upgrade of the statistics data base tables may require some time – probably more time than this part of the plugin is allowed to run at once. (The limit is called max_execution_time.) That is the reason why your help is needed to complete the process.Basically you need to start the process again as long as there are not upgraded rows left in the data base tables.
You may choose the increment (number of rows which will be upgraded at once). You can speed up the process. But since the time which is needed to update a certain amount of rows may fluctuate depending on the usage of the web server of your blog, it is recommended to try a low increment value at first and increase it carefully.
In this case the max. execution time for the blog software is: 30 seconds.
The time needed to correct 10 rows in the data base: 1.26650190353 secondsSelect an increment: <= 91 (The increment should be smaller than this value)
Number of rows in the data base table wp_y4xojb_podpress_stats: 389434
Number of rows which need be processed: 389424As you see, it would take forever update using this process. Need a better solution
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