I currently face this issue with The Plus Addon for Elementor, I did a bit of digging and I found out the issue is related to The Plus Addon cached file stored on uploads directory. I came to this conclusion after a series of test:
1. I turned on my inspect tool and navigated to console and I found the following error: `Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: Swiper is not defined
at b (theplus.min.js:60)
at _runHook (frontend.js:4481)
at Object.doAction (frontend.js:4519)
at module.exports.runReadyTrigger (frontend.js:1621)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (frontend-modules.js:4014)
at Function.each (jquery.js:381)
at jQuery.fn.init.each (jquery.js:203)
at _default.runElementsHandlers (frontend-modules.js:4013)
at _default.onInit (frontend-modules.js:4031)
at _default.Module.trigger (frontend-modules.js:5030)`. and the source of this error is theplus.min.js found in SiteURL/wp-content/uploads/theplus-addons/ on line 60 (for me) the line your error appear will greatly depend on the amount of The Plus Widgets you have enable.
2. I navigated to SiteURL/wp-content/uploads/theplus-addons/ in Cpanel and I changed the permission of the folder “theplus-addons” from 755 to 000 and elementor loaded without issues but on the frontend of my site my CSS and JS files didn’t load and my site looks a bit messy but I understood that It cause the assets files saved in SiteURL/wp-content/uploads/theplus-addons/ folder where not being loaded. Note elementor loaded without issues after I changed the folder permission form 755 to 000.
Because my assets files didn’t load at all this was not a valid solution for me so I went on to do more testing.
3. After identifying the issue file using my developer tool on my browser I then navigate back to SiteURL/wp-content/uploads/theplus-addons/
folder and looked for the correct script (theplus.min.js
) and changed the permission from 644 to 000 but before I could do this I had to change theplus-addons
folders permission back to 755 (as I previously changed it to 000 which caused the issue of The Plus asset not loaded) this caused the issue to stop and I was able to use my site properly but the problem is every time I Purge All Pages (clear The Plus cache) I am right back where I started. as currently the time of writing this; the issue which caused element not to load also affects Jet Product Gallery Slider widget, it completely disables the slider in Jet Product Gallery Slider widget and this is a big problem for me.
I like The Plus Addon for elementor and it’s currently the best Addon for elementor. and I also notice that this issue doesn’t affect every site as I have the plus Pro installed and activated on 7 other sites and they all work just fine…
I started having this issue after imported a custom-built Elementor page builder template (using The plus Addon) from one of my sites.
I will love it if this problem is fixed in the next update and this should take priority above all other issues as it affects the integrity of the plugin as an Elementor Page builder addon because it currently hinders elementor loading
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
Samuel Chuck.