• The problem I am having is simple: I would like to be able to exclude certain sections of the content from the voiced part. I tried using:

    Content to be text only


    Content to be text only

    In many different ways but… no luck. How are we supposed to use this option?

    Thank you!

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  • Thread Starter liberoscarcelli.net


    Good product. However, I quickly had a look at the code and I found out that class-amazonpolly-admin.php seems to be doing the text processing step, before proceeding with the voicing.
    In fact, there are some regular expressions that look for the labels -AMAZONPOLLY-ONLYWORDS-START- and -AMAZONPOLLY-ONLYWORDS-END- removing them and also removing everything in between before sending the text to voicing step.
    I think start using something like <!– -AMAZONPOLLY-ONLYWORDS-START- –> and <!– -AMAZONPOLLY-ONLYWORDS-END- -> instead would make WordPress users life easier as these two would not confuse the visual editor.

    Please let me know what you think!

    Yes, this is an issue with making the AWS plugin really useful.

    For me it’s reading the alternative text, caption text for images, text within buttons, and text in block quotes.

    It would be great to be able to set it so that it’s not reading text within certain tags in the HTML.

    That’s what we’re talking about here, right? So I gather that this isn’t possible yet.

    OK, so rereading the OP I see that I can use those SSML tags to let Polly know about text that I don’t want it read.

    That does work for me. Great!

    Thread Starter liberoscarcelli.net


    I quickly tested the tags but I could not get them to work. I am assuming because of some conflict with the visual editor… maybe… I will try again as I am still building the website and I will voice everything later on. Not sure whether all tags are supported on WordPress though. If you can get them to work please let me know!

    Did you find a solution ?

    So is there a solution to this? I cannot have gibberish on my audio or get charged for it.
    Please help. Thank you

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