• Hi!

    Thanks a lot your plugin.

    I made from scratch a block theme with a palette (theme.json). After activating your plugin it only shows the default palette and not the one I created. Is-it normal?
    I’ve tried with the Frost theme and I get the same problem.

    Could you help me? Thanks.

    Kind regards,

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  • Plugin Support eugenewhite


    Hello Grégoire!

    I hope you’re doing well! Sorry for the late reply. 

    I would like to inform you that I just tried everything out on this Frost theme, version 0.9.10. And I haven’t noticed any issues with custom colors at all. 

    Both sections with default and custom colors from the Block Editor Colors plugin are visible when the background palette is opened. 

    So in this case, I may suggest you try disabling other plugins that you have installed just to check if there’s some conflict or not. And in case you still have the same issue – submit a ticket on our support platform so we can check everything out ourselves. 

    Plugin Support eugenewhite


    Hello Grégoire!

    I hope you’re doing well. 

    I haven’t received any response from you so decided to add that we haven’t tested our Block Editor Colors plugin with block themes. That’s why there’s a high possibility that it doesn’t work with colors that are set in the theme.json file. But we surely keep that in mind for future plugin releases. 

    I mark the topic as resolved so feel free to create a new one in case you have any other questions. 

    Just add that I also have this issue. Disabling the plugin lets me have the theme.json colors in my Twenty-Twenty-Two child theme.

    But it looks like colors set by Block Editor Colors disappear if I disable the plugin? That will be a huge issue on my site when I update to a block theme. Is there a way to fix that?

    But it looks like colors set by Block Editor Colors disappear if I disable the plugin? That will be a huge issue on my site when I update to a block theme. Is there a way to fix that?

    I noticed that the classes are kept, but the CSS is gone. Is there a simple way to export the CSS file from the plugin, so that I don’t have to manually recreate the classes and colors?

    Plugin Support eugenewhite


    Hello @audunmb

    Sorry for such a late response. 

    If it’s still relevant, I would like to inform you that our Block Editor Colors plugin hasn’t been designed the way to keep custom color codes in the theme file when the plugin is disabled, unfortunately. And I don’t think there’s a way to export the file from the plugin for you to use it with your theme, I’m afraid. 

    Let me know if you have any additional questions. 

    There’s no easy way to export the classes, but the variables are added to the root CSS, so using inspector (in Firefox) I can find all the variables named –bec-color-[slug] and the corresponding color code.

    So by adding an some extra CSS to my theme I can keep colors set by the Block Editor Color:

    .has-[slug]-color {color:  var(--bec-color-[slug];)
     .has-[slug]-background-color {background-color:  var(--bec-color-[slug];)
      --bec-color-[slug]: [color];

    I think in my case I’ll set the variable to the corresponding variable from the theme.json, so instead of var(–bec-color-[slug], I’ll use var(–wp–preset–color–[slug].

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