• With WordPress 4.0 and Yoast Google Analytics plugin v5.0.6 – Universal disabled, the plugin doesn’t track Error 404 pages because of a small error in the code.

    In file frontend/class-ga-js.php there is an error (line 90):
    $gaq_push[] = "'_trackPageview,'/404.html?page=' + document.location.pathname + document.location.search + '&from=' + document.referrer";

    this line 90 should be:
    $gaq_push[] = "'_trackPageview','/404.html?page=' + document.location.pathname + document.location.search + '&from=' + document.referrer";

    -> There is a missing after “‘_trackPageview and before the ,

    If you add the , the error pages are correctly tracked.

    Will try to report the issue also on Github.

    Thanks for your great work.


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