• silva8899


    After several emails with customer support, I was informed that the product team will continue to make important fields containing legal texts translatable. This means that the plugin is not compliant with the current requirements for GDPR (Europe).

    Support claims that because some fields (in the legal notice) only apply to Germany, they do not need to be translatable. If the product team would think about it, they would realize themselves that someone living in Germany can also speak English or another language. According to GDPR Article 12, paragraph 1, all relevant legal texts must be available in an easily understandable and transparent language. This plugin therefore does not meet this requirement.

    There was no response from the support or product team.

    I cannot recommend this plugin for any website that has a target group in Europe!

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  • dillhausen


    Can you be more specific about what is missing? Maybe post a link to the support conversation?

    I am using it and I can get the Cookie Policy in German informal (“Du”) or German formal (“Sie”) …

    Note: I am NOT a member of the complianz team, just a user

    Thread Starter silva8899


    Hi @dillhausen,

    In the legal notice, you cannot translate the texts under point 2 & 2.1 → “The following information is mandatory under German law” – if you have activated it in the wizard (which you must do as soon as you have a target group in Germany). You also cannot translate point 3 “ Additional information”. For example, copyright references must be listed or the agency responsible for a website.

    To be honest, it doesn’t matter to me if you’re from the Complainz team. The answers I got from the support team are just bad! I even sent the support team links to the law but the response was “we’re not going to change it”

    I am so disappointed and angry. Now i have to tell so many of my customers that we have to change the plugin and they can cancel the subscription just because the support team or product team is too lazy to make 3-4 fields translatable.



    Hi @silva8899 ,

    I’m sorry but I still do not understand your problem. What legal notice are you referring to? I am using the free version of complianz and the cookie policy is the only legal document created by complianz. Is your problem related to a pro feature?

    However, you can always create the documents yourself (use the complianz docs as a reference and translate them as you wish), and tell the wizard to use your own documents. I created my own data privacy declaration and impressum long before I installed the complianz plugin, and these kind of docs are usually stable, so there is no need to update them on a regular basis. Only if you have new functionality on your website, an update might be necessary.

    This might not be what you want to hear, but my recommendation is: cancel the pro version (use only the free version), and create the docs yourself. There are lots of data privacy declarations out there you can use as inspiration…

    Thread Starter silva8899


    Hi @dillhausen

    I understand what you’re saying, but that’s not the solution for a plugin that a customer pays for. If a customer pays money for a service or product, then the product or service must also comply with the applicable laws and that is not the case here.

    It is also not about the cookie guidelines, but about the legal notice, which is part of the product (plugin). It is also about customer support and the response to customer requests. Customers from Germany, Switzerland and Austria have justified claims when they pay for a product. If these customers were to use the free version, these claims would be unjustified.

    Especially when it comes to possible fines that customers have to pay if the plugin does not do its job, even though it is advertised as such.

    Anyway, my customers will all cancel their subscription to complianz and we are looking for a provider that takes its job and its customers seriously and doesn’t just leave them out in the cold.

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