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  • Thanks for asking this, I am planing a multilingual website with wp-listing. I need to know if there is a way to translate.

    You can use the qtranslate-x plugin

    It translate big part of the plugin

    Plus you have to generate a po file using poedit for the language in question or you can download the “loco translate” plugin to generate a po file in wordpress admin

    Hey guys,
    I am using both qtranslate X and Loco Translate, even though I have translated the strings none of them appear translated on the site and or on the admin.
    What am I doing wrong?

    The same for me, too. ??

    I have a sollution! The LocoTranslate gives file name: wp-listings-hu_HU.po/mo, BUT!!!! it’s not the good name, because the .pot file name is wp_listings.pot, so you can rename the .po/mo file : wp_listings-hu_HU.po/mo. It’s worked for me.



    I had to rename the files to wp_listings-hu.po/.mo . Then the translation started to work.

    I’ve translated in the code directly. It works!

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