• I am having an error with Polylang, the site shows some pages of the site blank and to fix it I always have to re-save the Premalinks to re-display the content but I have to do it whenever that happens and it doesn’t last for long.

    Is there any solution for this problem. If there is an answer for this happening, I would be grateful. Regards

    The pages are shown like this when this is happening: https://prnt.sc/Rh9ZZmesAZTL

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I have the same problem. I already reported it more than 2 months ago.

    I hope they will fix it soon.

    For now I use this code to regenerate permalinks every hour so my site never goes down more than 1 hour:

    // Flush permalinks every hour
    add_action(‘my_hourly_event’, ‘do_this_hourly’);

    function my_activation() {
    if ( !wp_next_scheduled( ‘my_hourly_event’ ) ) {
    wp_schedule_event(time(), ‘hourly’, ‘my_hourly_event’);

    add_action(‘wp’, ‘my_activation’);

    function do_this_hourly( $hard = false ) {
    global $wp_rewrite;
    $wp_rewrite->flush_rules( $hard );

    I added the code in Code Snippets plugin with PHP Snippet and Run everywhere settings.

    Thread Starter inessting


    @peterforensys Thank you for this solution. I will try this ??

    I have the exact same issue.

    It’s started for one customer website only, some months ago. The problem comes apparent by adding a simple check for page ID in the header.php, which is returns EMPTY on the bugged pages, but correct on working pages:

    <?php echo ‘ID: ‘.get_the_ID().'<br>’; ?>, This returns empty if the page is bugged.

    Disabling all plugins and custom code through functions.php doesn’t alleviate this issue.

    If I save permalinks, nothing happens. If I disable and re-enable Polylang, it’s immediately fixed. The issue returns after a random amount of days. Could be 20 days, or 2 days.

    We have the same issue. This seems to happen when plugins are updated or when the database has changed, for example importing a new version from a staging server.

    Updating permalinks IN polylang usually fixes the issue but it’s extremely problematic that it happens at all.

    Any pointers or fix would be greatly appreciated.

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