• Have tested almost all Stripe plugins for WooCommerce in the WP repository. There are many nice ones, but WebToffee’s is the only plugin for WC that implements Stripe Checkout, and for free!

    Why is this important?

    Many shop owners nowadays get caught up in the hype that the inline CC payment experience is better, because the customer doesn’t have to leave the website. At face value it might seem true, but often it isn’t at all and for less obvious reasons:

    – Customers can be vary to enter their CC data on a website they don’t know or seems sketchy, and for good reason. In that category are probably 95%+ of all WP/WC sites. This is even more valid for entrepreneurs and small sellers, and those originating from smaller economies.

    – Technically, it’s very easy to imitate an inline CC input form with some HTML/CSS/JS to look exactly like the real one. A transaction will not happen, but the CC data will get stolen anyway. With Stripe Checkout, the data gets entered at the Stripe premises. No way to fake that.

    – Inline CC payments come with its own burden of technical and legal requirements from CC processors, as sellers must become now “PCI compliant”. Essentially, if a seller gets hacked, may have to pay hefty fines and chargebacks. Stripe Checkout by its very nature is already PCI compliant out of the box.

    To the WebToffee Team: thank you for thinking smart for us, and for this great plugin!

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