• Resolved Shmoo


    Guys, I understand what you’re trying to do here and yes, this should be a core WordPress function near the future but until then…

    Please is there any filter to disable this function?

    I mean, I believe this is for better breadcrumbs, and fetching the most important category on the front-end but I’m not using the Yoast’s breadcrumbs function in my theme. I disabled this function so it would be nice, if this new ‘Make Primary category’ option only shows up as soon as you enable the Yoast breadcrumbs function.

    Right now it will only confuse my users, when there is an option they haven’t seen before and they don’t know what it does. They are going to ask me, and I have to tell them, it does nothing. Why is it there? ….

    The WordPress idea!

    Decisions, not Options
    When making decisions these are the users we consider first. A great example of this consideration is software options. Every time you give a user an option, you are asking them to make a decision. When a user doesn’t care or understand the option this ultimately leads to frustration. As developers we sometimes feel that providing options for everything is a good thing, you can never have too many choices, right? Ultimately these choices end up being technical ones, choices that the average end user has no interest in. It’s our duty as developers to make smart design decisions and avoid putting the weight of technical choices on our end users.

    Beside all that, I like that you guys have switched back to basic editor input fields instead of the horrible inline-editor stuff that worked like trying to do a U-turn with a aircraft carrier in your backyard.

    Thumbs up!


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  • Plugin Contributor Joost de Valk


    Shmoo: there’s a filter called wpseo_primary_term_taxonomies that you can use ??

    Thread Starter Shmoo


    Super! ??

    How disabled “Primary category” function? I use this plugin.

    And wpseo_primary_term_taxonomies, how it works ?

    This : add_filter( ‘wpseo_primary_term_taxonomies’, ‘__return_false’ );


    Plugin Contributor Joost de Valk


    Read the code… It’s documented. If you can’t you probably shouldn’t be playing with filters in the first place ??

    Hi when adding

    add_filter( 'wpseo_primary_term_taxonomies', '__return_false' ); to functions PHP I get the following error on the add new post page:

    Argument #2 should be an array in /***/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/class-primary-term-admin.php on line 213

    Have I done something wrong? I’m not a big coder so if anyone can help with some really simple instructions I’d be really thankful. This new ‘make primary category’ option isn’t helpful for my site and I really wish there was an option to switch it off within Yoast SEO.

    It’s documented. Well, i search …

    https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/api/ not here

    i just want disable this function.

    Thanks Taco Verdo !

    The repository code doesn’t really clarify the issue, but this worked for me to remove the new feature (seemingly without error so far):
    add_filter( 'wpseo_primary_term_taxonomies', '__return_false' );

    Thanks, @welje. Were you able to get it to work for you too?

    Having an easy option to disable the primary category option would be nice. Not everyone is a developer.

    Hi as I’ve mentioned above I’m not a coder/developer. If anyone is able to provide a set of clear instructions to remove this annoying and unnecessary feature I would be massively grateful. How do I apply the filter? I can’t understand why this would be added to the SEO without any option for the end user to switch it off. Thanks again.

    @mmpw: Why would you want to disable the Primary Category functionality if you are using Category Permalink? The two functionalities compliment each other. If you’ve set a category permalink, you need the Yoast functionality for the breadcrumb to be same as the permalink. Without it, the breadcrumb doesn’t match the permalink. The only way I can see that the new Yoast Primary Category doesn’t work for you is if you’re actually trying to display different permalinks and breadcrumbs… Maybe if you post what you’re trying to achieve?

    @julie @Niackery: I do not use breadcrumbs.

    I found a radical but effective “filter” to disable it:

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